This project aims to give an introduction to CS people into Quantum Algorithms or Quantum Computing in general. That will be achieved with these (planned) features:
- A set of DSLs to write Quantum Algorithms that are close to those one would write on a blackboard
- An alternative graphical representation of Quantum Algorithms
- Calculation of states, mutated by applying Operators
- Implementations of the most common Operators
- Easy creation of custom Operators
- A web GUI in which to write, read and debug Quantum Algorithms
- A set of examples of commonly known Quantum Algorithms
At the moment most of the work is put into a rewrite to enable concurrent work, mainly through modularization. With the library on the master branch you can
- Write, run and debug Quantum Algorithms using an internal DSL (see 'Run teleportation example')
sbt clean publish-local
sbt 'examples/runMain qa.examples.Teleportation'