For the presentation of my ISMIR 2016 paper titled "Learning to Pinpoint Singing Voice from Weakly-Labeled Examples" [Paper, BibTeX], I put together a small web demo showing how a state-of-the-art singing voice detector seems to only rely on detecting sloped or wiggly lines in the spectrogram.
The web demo allows you to draw into a mel spectrogram of a piano recording, compute singing voice predictions with a CNN, and also listen to what you drew:
It is currently available online at (the first computation might take quite a while, in case it has to reload Theano and recompile the function, others will take less than a second).
The code and model in this repository allows you to run the demo locally on your machine instead, or take a look at how it's done. Feel free to copy out bits and pieces, but make sure to obey and include the license.
For the baseline experiments of my ISMIR 2015 paper, see the
repository, and for experiments on
training a network to not be irritated by wiggly lines, see its
Running the code locally requires the following software:
- Python 2.7+ or 3.4+
- Python packages: numpy, scipy, matplotlib, h5py
- ffmpeg or avconv
For better performance, the following Python packages are recommended:
- Theano, Lasagne (for much faster network predictions)
- pyfftw (for much faster spectrogram computation)
- bjoern (for a more stable web server)
For Theano and Lasagne, you may need the bleeding-edge versions from github. In short, they can be installed with:
pip install --upgrade --no-deps
pip install --upgrade --no-deps
(Add --user
to install in your home directory, or sudo
to install globally.)
For more complete installation instructions including GPU setup, please refer
to the From Zero to Lasagne
On Ubuntu, pyfftw can be installed with the following two commands:
sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev
pip install pyfftw
Finally, bjoern is available on PyPI:
pip install bjoern
(Again, optionally add --user
or sudo
Clone the repository somewhere:
git clone
If you do not have git
available, download the code from and extract it.
Run the built-in web server with:
You should now be able to access it at http://localhost:9090.
Alternatively, under Apache, activate mod_wsgi and add a WSGIScriptAlias
directive mapping some URL to
The spectrogram <img>
is overlaid with a same-sized <canvas>
element that
is semi-transparent. Mouse movements are translated to line drawings with some
minimal JavaScript. Clicking the "Compute" button uploads the line drawing as
a PNG data URI to the web
server, via a POST request to /render
. In
, this URI is decoded to
binary, then decoded to a numpy array with the Python Imaging Library (PIL).
It is combined with the (precomputed) spectrogram of the test audio snippet,
and passed to the CNN in
. The resulting prediction curve is
rendered to an in-memory PNG with matplotlib in
. Furthermore, the
combined spectrogram is resynthesized to audio samples in
, and
then encoded to an in-memory MP3 file with ffmpeg
. Finally, the MP3 file and
PNG are encoded as data URIs and sent back to the browser, which updates the
and <audio>
sources with the data URIs. (The data is small enough
for data URIs, and sending it directly to the client in this way avoids having
to store and manage temporary image and audio files on the server.)
The code was thrown together for the demonstration in my ISMIR 2016 presentation, and is not fully-polished and fully-documented. I am publishing it because several people asked how this was done, and I hope it still serves to explain this. Feel free to open an issue here or send me an email if you have any questions. If you reuse parts of the code for your purposes, please make sure to include the license.