This repository holds Automate code for the V2V project.
WARNING - The examples below consider that you are running an appliance, not from source code.
There are two options to import the domain.
- Import as Git backend domain. It requires Git Repositories Owner role to be enabled on the appliance.
# cd /var/www/miq/vmdb
# bundle exec rake evm:automate:import GIT_URL= PREVIEW=false ENABLED=true
- Import from a exported ZIP file.
# curl -o /tmp/
# cd /tmp/
# unzip
# cd /var/www/miq/vmdb
# bundle exec rake evm:automate:import DOMAIN=V2V IMPORT_DIR=/tmp/v2v-automate-master PREVIEW=false ENABLED=true
Unless you want to contribute to this domain, you probably only need the Git backed approach.