This is a basic structure for a Node.js with Sequelize, Apollo, MySQL, webpack, babel, JWT, express and ESLint (standart js).
Is necessary install MySQL and NodeJS before run the project. To do this:
In Windows is recomended to use winget cli to install this packages.
winget install -e --id OpenJS.Nodejs
winget install -e --id MariaDB.Server
Everything can be installed using your distro package manager, for Debian or Ubuntu would it be:
sudo apt install nodejs npm mariadb-server
After install is really important to configure the initial users and configurations of your database, for this run the following command in your terminal:
PS: in Linux this command need to be run as root (sudo)
The installation will prompt some questions about your database configuration, read them carefuly and answer them properly, them will have it all set.
- Clone this repo
git clone myproject
- Enter the project folder and delete the .git directory and create .env
cd myproject
rm -Rf .git
cp .env.example .env
code .env
# API Domínio
# Banco de Dados
DB_PASSWORD=[password you configured on MySQL]
# E-mail
- Setup your database:
mysql -u root -p # enter your root password
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE mydatabase CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
MariaDB [(none)]> exit;
- install all dependencies
npm i
- Migrate the database:
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
- start the project
Terminal 1:
npm run watch:src
Terminal 2:
npm run watch:dist
go to URL http://localhost:4000/graphql in your browser and if you see GraphQL prompt on it everything is working! Enjoy!
- Thyago Salvá - Github
- Maurício Covolan Rosito - Github
- Leonardo Alvarenga Pereira - Github
- Camilo Cunha de Azevedo - Github