You're looking on my training project. I wanted to create one, to prove myself that I can create something big and a bit more serious than banal and boring TODO lists. The idea was - to challenge myself and implement something hard, and complex(as I feel at the moment). I'm talking about animations, various interesting components such a masonry layout (which on the main page when you passed auth). I decided to clone part of Pinterest functionality.
- Faketerest - NextJS/Redux/Tailwind/Jest/Enzyme/PostgreSQL
- Faketerest Pager Notifications/Messages server (Socket IO/ Redis)
- Faketerest Utilities Utility package for common utils, constants and types
- Session authentication
- Login
- Registration
- Subscribers (not added everywhere in the code atm)
- Post creation
- Comment
- Beautiful page with posibility to upload multiple images(Desktop only)
- Mobile version(Except Post builder page)
- Settings
- Avatar change
- username
- First/Last name
- Password
- Age
- Notifications
- Subscription added post
- Commented your post
- Message recieved
- Someone subscribed to you
- Sound on notification recieved
- Conversations
- Users search
- Inbox with existing dialogs
- Read/Unread messages
- Multiple participants
- Translations
- English
- Russian
- User profile
- All posts board
- Saved board
- Custom board
- Setup configuration Create .env file with appropriate enviironment variables
docker-compose up