- 方天宬 [email protected]
- 陆徐东 [email protected]
本项目是SJTU21-22学年CS403 计算机图形学
report 报告
siggraph17 RDAE改进方案
siggraph19 SBMC论文复现
- Tiancheng Fang [email protected]
- Xudong Lu [email protected]
This project is a major assignment for the CS403 Computer Graphics
course of SJTU 21-22 academic year. This tutorial is a reference document of our group project. We mainly realize the following functions:
- In terms of real-time denosing, we reproduce and improve the rdae of siggraph17
- In the aspect of offline denosing, we reproduce the article SBMC of siggraph19
We have achieved good results in both methods.
report # report
siggraph17 # RDAE
siggraph19 # SBMC
For more detailed guidance, please refer to README under the corresponding folder.