via Nuget:
If you want to programmatically read/update a ResX file, the standard is to use the System.Resources.ResXResourceReader
and System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter
. However these libraries are part of System.Windows.Forms. That is either a annoying extra dependency or a deal breaker for .Net Standard.
This library separates those two classes from System.Windows.Forms and packages them for .Net Standard so you can easily include them across frameworks.
If you don't know a resx file is:
- It is a way of shipping resources, like strings and files, with an assembly (project).
- It simplifies messy file copy on build and relative runtime file references
- Is commonly used for managing translations and localized resources
This library is almost a direct copy of files from the open sourced winforms respository
However, I did revert this change in order to remove the dependency on System.Numerics, which was limiting .Net Standard compatibility.
I've also changed the namespace to System.Resources.NetStandard to avoid potential naming conflicts.
See how to use ResXResourceReader
and ResXResourceWriter
- Bitmaps are only supported on windows or if you separately install libgdiplus. Here is Microsoft's reasoning for why this issue won't be fixed.