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Logos Bible Software On Linux Via Wine

This page is for running Logos on x86_64 desktop Linux. For other installs, see:

Linux remains officially unsupported but we are moving in the right direction! For support use Telegram or Matrix. Telegram and Matrix are bridged.

Recommended Install

Our recommended install is to use Logos 10 with Wine 7.18+ or with Proton.

Note there are issues with Wine 7.19–22 with using the .exe installer. The script uses the .msi installer and should bypass this issue. The latest work in Logos and Wine 8.0+ should make the .exe installer work well again.

There is a bug in Wine 8.0 that prevents Logos from launching. Use 8.1+.

Backups, Uninstalling, Reinstalling

Uninstalling is as simple as deleting the wine bottle (e.g., ~/LogosBible10). Likewise you should be able to rsync the directory between different installs if need be.

If you wish to backup or maintain recently indexed data, the needed Logos data is stored in the following directories. Please note these are standard for the script; if you have moved them around, adjust the $HOME variable:

$HOME/LogosBible10/data/wine64_bottle/drive_c/users/$USER/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/Logos/Data
$HOME/LogosBible10/data/wine64_bottle/drive_c/users/$USER/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/Logos/Documents
$HOME/LogosBible10/data/wine64_bottle/drive_c/users/$USER/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/Logos/Users

Snap Install

Snap is package management tool developed by Canonical, who maintains the Ubuntu distribution. While multiple distributions can use Snap, Ubuntu pushes it heavily. You can find install instructions for Logos using Snap here:

Logos through Snapcraft

Wine Bottles Install [WIP]

Bottles is a management interface for wine, which installs its software in "bottles".

Known Issues

Please see the Git Issues tracker. Also note:

Enhancements Needed


Please see the Bug Fixing Guide in order to help improve Logos on Wine.

Distro Specific Issues

If you discover an issue with your distro, please add it here.

Steam Proton

Logos can be run using Valve's Steam Proton fork of wine. The binary should be located in the following directory, unless you have moved it or are using a different library location:

  • /home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton - Experimental/files/bin/wine64
  • /home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton - Experimental/files/bin/wineserver

Replace any calls to wine64 or wineserver with these binaries. NOTE: Linux requires that paths with whitespaces in them be quoted, either with single or double quotes. A whitespace is viewed as a breaking character and your system will likely tell you that Proton is a directory if you do not quote.

Steam Deck (n.b. also includes arch linux dependencies (see point 9)

The steam deck has a locked down filesystem. There are some missing dependencies which cause irregular crashes in Logos. These can be installed following this sequence: update there is now a steam deck dependency script

  1. Enter Desktop Mode
  2. Use passwd to create a password for the deck user, unless you already did this.
  3. Disable read-only mode: sudo steamos-readonly disable
  4. Initialize pacman keyring: sudo pacman-key --init
  5. Populate pacman keyring with the default Arch Linux keys: sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux
  6. Get package lists: sudo pacman -Fy
  7. Fix locale issues sudo pacman -Syu glibc
  8. then sudo locale-gen
  9. Install dependencies: `sudo pacman -S samba winbind cabextract appmenu-gtk-module patch bc lib32-libjpeg-turbo

Packages you install may be overwritten by the next Steam OS update, but you can easily reinstall them if that happens.

After these steps you can go ahead and run the your install script but choose to use the appImage rather than any other wine or proton installed on the system. The appImage is tested and reliable, proton gets frequent updates which can break compatibility.

ChromeOS Using Crostini

These instructions assume the default Crostini (Debian) container is used.

  1. Turn on the Linux environment in Settings > Advanced > Developers > Linux development environment. Set the size of the container large enough to hold your entire Logos library and space for indexing.
  2. Update the Crostini container from the Crostini terminal with sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade.
  3. Install Wine staging from, or alternatively just use the appimage option when you run the Logos installation script.
  4. Satisfy the dependencies to run the Logos installation script from the Crostini terminal by sudo apt install patch lsof wget sed grep gawk winbind cabextract x11-apps bc libxml2-utils curl.
  5. Install a dialog program from the Crostini terminal with sudo apt install dialog, sudo apt install zenity, or sudo apt install whiptail.
  6. Download the script, move it to your Linux files using the ChromeOS Files app, make the script executable (chmod +x, and run the script (./
  7. While running Logos in a Crostini container on ChromeOS will not have the same performance as running it on bare metal, try changing the default book font in the Logos program settings to default sans serif if scrolling is laggy (YMMV).

A known issue with Logos in Crostini is that there are black boxes surrounding certain graphical elements such as the login box, start up splash screen, library box, and interlinear boxes. The fix is for ChromeOS users to open their Chrome browser, type chrome//flags in the search box and search for Crostini GPU support, and change the value from Default to Disabled.

Potential Ways to Improve Logos On Linux