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Spin key/value explorer

This is a simple Spin component for exploring the contents of key/value stores.

Using the key/value explorer

First, configure the template:

$ spin templates install --git
Copying remote template source
Installing template kv-explorer...
Installed 1 template(s)

| Name          Description                            |
| kv-explorer   Explore the contents of Spin KV stores |

Then, you can either create a new application, or add this component to your existing app:

$ spin new -t kv-explorer
# OR
$ spin add -t kv-explorer

This will create the following component in your spin.toml:

component = "kv-explorer"
route = "/internal/kv-explorer/..."

source = { url = "", digest = "sha256:65bc286f8315746d1beecd2430e178f539fa487ebf6520099daae09a35dbce1d" }
allowed_outbound_hosts = ["redis://*:*", "mysql://*:*", "postgres://*:*"]
# add or remove stores you want to explore here
key_value_stores = ["default"]

kv_credentials = "{{ kv_explorer_user }}:{{ kv_explorer_password }}"

kv_explorer_user = { required = true }
kv_explorer_password = { required = true }

You can now access the explorer in your browser at the route /internal/kv-explorer.


Locally, you configure variables using a variable provider. For example, the username and password can be configured using the environment variable provider as follows:


When running locally, you can skip checking for the credentials on every request by passing the SPIN_APP_KV_SKIP_AUTH environment variable:

$ spin up --env SPIN_APP_KV_SKIP_AUTH=1

When deploying to Fermyon Cloud, you are required to set the username and password for the kv explorer with the spin deploy command:

# change the value to your desired basic authentication credentials
$ spin deploy --variable kv_explorer_user="some-username" --variable kv_explorer_password="some-password"

The explorer will use the config variables store to persist the credentials to access the UI and the API. If no values are set, a forbidden error is returned.