A menu bar app for Mac OS which allows you to remotely control your Dyson AM09 (without the remote control) - using a Broadlink RM IR Blaster. Built using rumps.
- Setup your Broadlink RM on your local network.
- Ensure you have the dependencies installed
pip install broadlink py2app rumps cffi
- Clone the dysonMacOS Repo and use py2app to comply.
git clone https://github.com/fhenwood/dysonMacOS.git
cd dysonMacOS
python setup.py py2app
- Copy the .app file from the dysonMacOS folder to your Applications.
- Bingo, enjoy!
- Set temperatures and fan speed without knowing the current state of the fan!
- Turn on and off.
- Switch between hot and cold.
- Spin.
- Displays fan temperature when known.
- Reset current state to an known state if out of sync due to changes via an external remote control.
Feel free to create pull requests. Feel free to add more dyson fans via learning the IR codes:
Please encode the byte IR codes into base64 str, and store in a json.