ATTENTION - THIS REPO MOVED TO kool-dev/docker-toolkit
is dead, long livekool
(check it out now!)
This repository is deprecated and archived in favour of Kool maintened DevOps toolbox:
Below you will find original fireworkweb/k8s
README for the sake of historic value.
Docker image with Kubernetes-related tools.
Available packages:
- kubectl
- helm
- aws-cli
- do-ctl
You can use it running the package you need directly:
# kubectl
docker run --rm -it fireworkweb/k8s kubectl version --client
# helm
docker run --rm -it fireworkweb/k8s helm version
# aws
docker run --rm -it fireworkweb/k8s aws --version
# doctl
docker run --rm -it fireworkweb/k8s doctl version
You can also use some specific tag version. Check the available tags.
docker run --rm -it fireworkweb/k8s:1.0.0 kubectl version --client