This repo contains the demo code I used for my talk at amsterdam.js 23. jan 2013. You can find the slides on here.
Just a simple static HTML file using a bit of node.js code.
This is a node.js HTTP server application. In the next step this pure server side app will be converted to node-webkit.
node-webkit version of httptris. This will run a local HTTP server on a random free port and open this in the browser view. Before you can run this app you need to install the NPM dependencies:
npm install
'native' text editor using Ace. Supported keyboard shortcuts:
- Cmd-O: Opens a file
- Cmd-S: saves the focused file
- Alt-Cmd-J Opens dev tools window
First you need to download the node-webkit binary and move the
to /Applications
To run the app:
make run
To package the app:
make pack
Note that I only tested this for OSX. For windows and Linux the Makefiles need to be adjusted.