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A Vue 3 form library that integrates Zod for powerful form validation.


  • 🔒 Type-safe form handling with Zod schemas
  • 🎯 Simple API with composable functions
  • ⚡ Reactive form state management
  • 🎨 Flexible error handling and display
  • 🔄 Form reset and submission controls
  • 📝 Comprehensive TypeScript support


npm install @flapili/vue-form zod # npm
pnpm add @flapili/vue-form zod # pnpm
yarn add @flapili/vue-form zod # yarn


Here's a basic example of how to use the form library:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useFormComponent } from '@flapili/vue-form'
import { z } from 'zod'

const schema = z.object({
  name: z.string().min(1, 'Name is required'),
  email: z.string().email('Email is invalid'),
}).transform((data) => {
  return {,

const input = reactive({
  email: '',
  name: '',

async function onSubmitCallback(res: z.infer<typeof schema>) {
  console.log(res) // will log { NAME_UPPER: '...', email: '...', name: '...' }
  return 'submitted to backend'

const FormComponent = useFormComponent(schema, input, onSubmitCallback)

  <div class="size-full flex flex-col items-center justify-center">
    <h1>Test form</h1>
    {{ input }}
    <FormComponent v-slot="{ data, submit, parseResult, displayErrors, toggleDisplayErrors, reset, status }">
      <input v-model="" class="border border-gray-300 rounded-md p-2" :class="{ 'border-red-500': displayErrors }">
      <input v-model="" class="border border-gray-300 rounded-md p-2" :class="{ 'border-red-500': displayErrors }">
        class="rounded-md bg-blue-500 p-2 text-white disabled:opacity-50"
        :disabled="status !== 'valid'"
        @click="submit().then(res => console.warn(`return of onSubmitCallback = ${res}`))"
      <pre>{{ parseResult?.error?.issues ?? [] }}</pre>
      <div class="flex flex-col gap-2 children:(rounded-md bg-gray-200 p-2)">
        <button type="button" @click="toggleDisplayErrors">
          Toggle errors showing
        <button type="button" @click="reset">

API Reference

useFormComponent Parameters

Parameter Description
schema The Zod schema for form validation
input The reactive form data
onSubmit Callback function called with validated data on form submission
options Optional configuration object
options.displayErrors Optional ref to control error display
options.mutateDisplayErrorsOnError Whether to show errors automatically on validation failure

The options parameter is optional and can be omitted.

Form Context

The form provides a context with the following properties:

Property Description
data The reactive form data
parseResult Current validation result
displayErrors Whether validation errors should be displayed
changedAt Timestamp of last form change
hasChanged Whether the form has been modified
status Current form validation status (parsing/valid/invalid)
submit Submit the form
getErrors Get validation errors for a specific field path
reset Reset the form to initial values
toggleDisplayErrors Toggle error display

Form Component Slot Props

The Form component provides all the context properties listed above to its default slot. These can be destructured in the template to access form state and methods:

As an example, the following code renders the form data:

<FormComponent v-slot="{ data }">
  <pre>{{ data }}</pre>


MIT License © 2025 Benoît Deveaux


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