A small handy device that plays transition music anytime you walk through the door.
- Uses reed switch to detect door opening
- Photoresistor to stop playing if it is too dark
- Potentiometer to adjust light sensitivity
- Potentiometer to adjust volume
- Switch to hard turn off
Uses a PAM8302 from adafruit to amplify the audio.
Micro SD card reader holds all the song files.
After wiring, just load onto the micro sd card as many wav files as you like. They must be 8-bit, less than 32000Hz, and in PCM 8-bit unsigned file type. The files must be named #.wav were # is the number of the file starting at 0.
The Reed switch needs to be placed near the door with a magnet attached to the door. This way when the door is opened, the reed switch is no longer near the magnet and it gets activated.
There is also a potentiometer to adjust the light sensitivity and another to adjust the volume.
This could be condensed more if I weren't using an arduino Uno and instead used just the Atmel chip.