This project uses Motion to detect movement and to save a picture of that movement. Then receives, by websocket, the node-object-detection (Yolo) analysis with the objects detected in that picture. This information is saved in the database so it can be displayed to the user on the angular web interface.
- Node.js
- node-object-detection
- Docker Compose or MariaDB Server
- Motion
- FFmpeg
Run MariaDB docker container
docker-compose -f mariadb/docker-compose.yml up -d
Run angular in development
cd angular
npm install
npm start
Run Node.js server
npm install
npm start
Run MariaDB docker container
docker-compose -f mariadb/docker-compose.yml up -d
Build angular files for deployment
cd angular && npm install && npm run deploy
Run Node.js server
npm install
npm start
Database configurations
Geral configurations
Motion configurations