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Merge pull request #442 from dsyme/fix-symbol-types
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Prettify formatting of symbol types
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dsyme committed Oct 15, 2015
2 parents fba477a + d7393af commit bf56100
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Showing 6 changed files with 183 additions and 26 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/fsharp/NicePrint.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1061,12 +1061,14 @@ module private PrintTypes =
nameL ^^ wordL ":" ^^ tauL

let layoutPrettyType denv typ =
let layoutPrettyTypeWithPrec prec denv typ =
let _,typ,cxs = PrettyTypes.PrettifyTypes1 denv.g typ
let env = SimplifyTypes.CollectInfo true [typ] cxs
let cxsL = layoutConstraintsWithInfo denv env env.postfixConstraints
layoutTypeWithInfoAndPrec denv env 2 typ --- cxsL
layoutTypeWithInfoAndPrec denv env prec typ --- cxsL

let layoutPrettyType denv typ = layoutPrettyTypeWithPrec 2 denv typ
let layoutPrettyTypeHighPrec denv typ = layoutPrettyTypeWithPrec 5 denv typ

/// Printing TAST objects
module private PrintTastMemberOrVals =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1879,6 +1881,7 @@ let isGeneratedExceptionField pos f = TastDefinitionPrinting.isGeneratedExce
let stringOfTyparConstraint denv tpc = stringOfTyparConstraints denv [tpc]
let stringOfTy denv x = x |> PrintTypes.layoutType denv |> showL
let prettyStringOfTy denv x = x |> PrintTypes.layoutPrettyType denv |> showL
let prettyStringOfTyHighPrec denv x = x |> PrintTypes.layoutPrettyTypeHighPrec denv |> showL
let stringOfRecdField denv x = x |> TastDefinitionPrinting.layoutRecdField false denv |> showL
let stringOfUnionCase denv x = x |> TastDefinitionPrinting.layoutUnionCase denv (wordL "|") |> showL
let stringOfExnDef denv x = x |> TastDefinitionPrinting.layoutExnDefn denv |> showL
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/fsharp/TastOps.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2282,8 +2282,9 @@ module PrettyTypes = begin
let PrettifyTypes1 g x = PrettifyTypes g (fun f -> f) (fun f -> f) x
let PrettifyTypes2 g x = PrettifyTypes g (fun f -> foldPair (f,f)) (fun f -> mapPair (f,f)) x
let PrettifyTypesN g x = PrettifyTypes g List.fold x
let PrettifyTypesNN g x = PrettifyTypes g (fun f -> List.fold (List.fold f)) List.mapSquared x
let PrettifyTypesNN1 g x = PrettifyTypes g (fun f -> foldPair (List.fold (List.fold f),f)) (fun f -> mapPair (List.mapSquared f,f)) x
let PrettifyTypesN1 g (x:UncurriedArgInfos * TType) = PrettifyTypes g (fun f -> foldPair (List.fold (fold1Of2 f), f)) (fun f -> mapPair ( (map1Of2 f),f)) x
let PrettifyTypesNN1 g x = PrettifyTypes g (fun f -> foldTriple (List.fold f, List.fold (fold1Of2 f),f)) (fun f -> mapTriple ( f, (map1Of2 f), f)) x
let PrettifyTypesNM1 g (x:TType list * CurriedArgInfos * TType) = PrettifyTypes g (fun f -> foldTriple (List.fold f, List.fold (List.fold (fold1Of2 f)),f)) (fun f -> mapTriple ( f, List.mapSquared (map1Of2 f), f)) x

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/fsharp/TastOps.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -581,6 +581,8 @@ module PrettyTypes =
val PrettifyTypes1 : TcGlobals -> TType -> TyparInst * TType * TyparConstraintsWithTypars
val PrettifyTypes2 : TcGlobals -> TType * TType -> TyparInst * (TType * TType) * TyparConstraintsWithTypars
val PrettifyTypesN : TcGlobals -> TType list -> TyparInst * TType list * TyparConstraintsWithTypars
val PrettifyTypesNN : TcGlobals -> TType list list -> TyparInst * TType list list * TyparConstraintsWithTypars
val PrettifyTypesNN1 : TcGlobals -> TType list list * TType -> TyparInst * (TType list list * TType) * TyparConstraintsWithTypars
val PrettifyTypesN1 : TcGlobals -> UncurriedArgInfos * TType -> TyparInst * (UncurriedArgInfos * TType) * TyparConstraintsWithTypars
val PrettifyTypesNM1 : TcGlobals -> TType list * CurriedArgInfos * TType -> TyparInst * (TType list * CurriedArgInfos * TType) * TyparConstraintsWithTypars

Expand Down
90 changes: 68 additions & 22 deletions src/fsharp/vs/Symbols.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1533,15 +1533,14 @@ and FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue(cenv, d:FSharpMemberOrValData, item) =
// INCOMPLETENESS: Attribs is empty here, so we can't look at attributes for
// either .NET or F# parameters
let argInfo : ArgReprInfo = { Name=nmOpt; Attribs= [] }
yield FSharpParameter(cenv, pty, argInfo, x.DeclarationLocationOpt, isParamArrayArg, isOutArg, optArgInfo.IsOptional) ]
yield FSharpParameter(cenv, pty, argInfo, x.DeclarationLocationOpt, isParamArrayArg, isOutArg, optArgInfo.IsOptional) ]
|> makeReadOnlyCollection ]
|> makeReadOnlyCollection

| E _ -> [] |> makeReadOnlyCollection
| M m ->

[ for argtys in m.GetParamDatas(cenv.amap,range0,m.FormalMethodInst) do
[ for (ParamData(isParamArrayArg,isOutArg,optArgInfo,nmOpt,_reflArgInfo,pty)) in argtys do
// INCOMPLETENESS: Attribs is empty here, so we can't look at attributes for
// either .NET or F# parameters
Expand All @@ -1555,8 +1554,8 @@ and FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue(cenv, d:FSharpMemberOrValData, item) =
| None ->
let _, tau = v.TypeScheme
if isFunTy cenv.g tau then
let typeArguments, _typ = stripFunTy cenv.g tau
[ for typ in typeArguments do
let argtysl, _typ = stripFunTy cenv.g tau
[ for typ in argtysl do
let allArguments =
if isTupleTy cenv.g typ
then tryDestTupleTy cenv.g typ
Expand All @@ -1571,7 +1570,6 @@ and FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue(cenv, d:FSharpMemberOrValData, item) =
let tau = v.TauType
let argtysl,_ = GetTopTauTypeInFSharpForm cenv.g curriedArgInfos tau range0
let argtysl = if v.IsInstanceMember then argtysl.Tail else argtysl

[ for argtys in argtysl do
[ for argty, argInfo in argtys do
Expand All @@ -1594,7 +1592,6 @@ and FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue(cenv, d:FSharpMemberOrValData, item) =
// For non-standard events, just use the delegate type as the ReturnParameter type

let _, rty, _cxs = PrettyTypes.PrettifyTypes1 cenv.g rty
FSharpParameter(cenv, rty, retInfo, x.DeclarationLocationOpt, isParamArrayArg=false, isOutArg=false, isOptionalArg=false)

| P p ->
Expand All @@ -1611,16 +1608,12 @@ and FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue(cenv, d:FSharpMemberOrValData, item) =
match v.ValReprInfo with
| None ->
let _, tau = v.TypeScheme
if isFunTy cenv.g tau then
let _typeArguments, rty = stripFunTy cenv.g tau
FSharpParameter(cenv, rty, { Name=None; Attribs= [] }, x.DeclarationLocationOpt, isParamArrayArg=false, isOutArg=false, isOptionalArg=false)
failwith "not a module let binding or member"
let _argtysl, rty = stripFunTy cenv.g tau
let empty : ArgReprInfo = { Name=None; Attribs= [] }
FSharpParameter(cenv, rty, empty, x.DeclarationLocationOpt, isParamArrayArg=false, isOutArg=false, isOptionalArg=false)
| Some (ValReprInfo(_typars,argInfos,retInfo)) ->

let tau = v.TauType
let _,rty = GetTopTauTypeInFSharpForm cenv.g argInfos tau range0

let _c,rty = GetTopTauTypeInFSharpForm cenv.g argInfos tau range0
FSharpParameter(cenv, rty, retInfo, x.DeclarationLocationOpt, isParamArrayArg=false, isOutArg=false, isOptionalArg=false)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1835,27 +1828,77 @@ and FSharpType(cenv, typ:TType) =
GetSuperTypeOfType cenv.g cenv.amap range0 typ
|> (fun ty -> FSharpType(cenv, ty))

member x.Instantiate(tys:(FSharpGenericParameter * FSharpType) list) =
let typI = instType (tys |> (fun (tyv,typ) -> tyv.V, typ.Typ)) typ
member x.Instantiate(instantiation:(FSharpGenericParameter * FSharpType) list) =
let typI = instType (instantiation |> (fun (tyv,typ) -> tyv.V, typ.V)) typ
FSharpType(cenv, typI)

member private x.Typ = typ
member private x.V = typ
member private x.cenv = cenv

member private typ.AdjustType(t) =
FSharpType(typ.cenv, t)

override x.Equals(other : obj) =
box x === other ||
match other with
| :? FSharpType as t -> typeEquiv cenv.g typ t.Typ
| :? FSharpType as t -> typeEquiv cenv.g typ t.V
| _ -> false

override x.GetHashCode() = hash x

member x.Format(denv: FSharpDisplayContext) =
protect <| fun () ->
NicePrint.stringOfTy (denv.Contents cenv.g) typ
NicePrint.prettyStringOfTyHighPrec (denv.Contents cenv.g) typ

override x.ToString() =
protect <| fun () ->
"type " + NicePrint.stringOfTy (DisplayEnv.Empty(cenv.g)) typ
"type " + NicePrint.prettyStringOfTyHighPrec (DisplayEnv.Empty(cenv.g)) typ

static member Prettify(typ: FSharpType) =
let t = PrettyTypes.PrettifyTypes1 typ.cenv.g typ.V |> p23
typ.AdjustType t

static member Prettify(typs: IList<FSharpType>) =
let xs = typs |> List.ofSeq
match xs with
| [] -> []
| h :: _ ->
let cenv = h.cenv
let prettyTyps = PrettyTypes.PrettifyTypesN cenv.g [ for t in xs -> t.V ] |> p23
(xs, prettyTyps) ||> List.map2 (fun p pty -> p.AdjustType(pty))
|> makeReadOnlyCollection

static member Prettify(parameter: FSharpParameter) =
let prettyTyp = parameter.V |> PrettyTypes.PrettifyTypes1 parameter.cenv.g |> p23

static member Prettify(parameters: IList<FSharpParameter>) =
let parameters = parameters |> List.ofSeq
match parameters with
| [] -> []
| h :: _ ->
let cenv = h.cenv
let prettyTyps = parameters |> (fun p -> p.V) |> PrettyTypes.PrettifyTypesN cenv.g |> p23
(parameters, prettyTyps) ||> List.map2 (fun p pty -> p.AdjustType(pty))
|> makeReadOnlyCollection

static member Prettify(parameters: IList<IList<FSharpParameter>>) =
let xs = parameters |> List.ofSeq |> List.ofSeq
let hOpt = xs |> List.tryPick (function h :: _ -> Some h | _ -> None)
match hOpt with
| None -> xs
| Some h ->
let cenv = h.cenv
let prettyTyps = xs |> List.mapSquared (fun p -> p.V) |> PrettyTypes.PrettifyTypesNN cenv.g |> p23
(xs, prettyTyps) ||> List.map2 (List.map2 (fun p pty -> p.AdjustType(pty)))
|> makeReadOnlyCollection |> makeReadOnlyCollection

static member Prettify(parameters: IList<IList<FSharpParameter>>, returnParameter: FSharpParameter) =
let xs = parameters |> List.ofSeq |> List.ofSeq
let cenv = returnParameter.cenv
let prettyTyps, prettyRetTy = xs |> List.mapSquared (fun p -> p.V) |> (fun tys -> PrettyTypes.PrettifyTypesNN1 cenv.g (tys,returnParameter.V) )|> p23
let ps = (xs, prettyTyps) ||> List.map2 (List.map2 (fun p pty -> p.AdjustType(pty))) |> makeReadOnlyCollection |> makeReadOnlyCollection
ps, returnParameter.AdjustType(prettyRetTy)

and FSharpAttribute(cenv: cenv, attrib: AttribInfo) =

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1941,7 +1984,10 @@ and FSharpParameter(cenv, typ:TType, topArgInfo:ArgReprInfo, mOpt, isParamArrayA
let idOpt = topArgInfo.Name
let m = match mOpt with Some m -> m | None -> range0
member __.Name = match idOpt with None -> None | Some v -> Some v.idText
member __.Type = FSharpType(cenv, typ)
member __.cenv : cenv = cenv
member __.AdjustType(t) = FSharpParameter(cenv, t, topArgInfo, mOpt, isParamArrayArg, isOutArg, isOptionalArg)
member __.Type : FSharpType = FSharpType(cenv, typ)
member __.V = typ
member __.DeclarationLocation = match idOpt with None -> m | Some v -> v.idRange
member __.Attributes =
attribs |> (fun a -> FSharpAttribute(cenv, AttribInfo.FSAttribInfo(cenv.g, a))) |> makeReadOnlyCollection
Expand Down
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions src/fsharp/vs/Symbols.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -810,6 +810,7 @@ and [<Class>] FSharpParameter =
/// Indicate this is an optional argument
member IsOptionalArg: bool

/// A subtype of FSharpSymbol that represents a single case within an active pattern
and [<Class>] FSharpActivePatternCase =
inherit FSharpSymbol
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -892,6 +893,30 @@ and [<Class>] FSharpType =
/// if it is an instantiation of a generic type.
member BaseType : FSharpType option

/// Adjust the type by removing any occurrences of type inference variables, replacing them
/// systematically with lower-case type inference variables such as <c>'a</c>.
static member Prettify : typ:FSharpType -> FSharpType

/// Adjust a group of types by removing any occurrences of type inference variables, replacing them
/// systematically with lower-case type inference variables such as <c>'a</c>.
static member Prettify : types: IList<FSharpType> -> IList<FSharpType>

/// Adjust the type in a single parameter by removing any occurrences of type inference variables, replacing them
/// systematically with lower-case type inference variables such as <c>'a</c>.
static member Prettify : parameter: FSharpParameter -> FSharpParameter

/// Adjust the types in a group of parameters by removing any occurrences of type inference variables, replacing them
/// systematically with lower-case type inference variables such as <c>'a</c>.
static member Prettify : parameters: IList<FSharpParameter> -> IList<FSharpParameter>

/// Adjust the types in a group of curried parameters by removing any occurrences of type inference variables, replacing them
/// systematically with lower-case type inference variables such as <c>'a</c>.
static member Prettify : parameters: IList<IList<FSharpParameter>> -> IList<IList<FSharpParameter>>

/// Adjust the types in a group of curried parameters and return type by removing any occurrences of type inference variables, replacing them
/// systematically with lower-case type inference variables such as <c>'a</c>.
static member Prettify : parameters: IList<IList<FSharpParameter>> * returnParameter: FSharpParameter -> IList<IList<FSharpParameter>> * FSharpParameter

[<System.Obsolete("Renamed to HasTypeDefinition")>]
member IsNamedType : bool

Expand Down
82 changes: 81 additions & 1 deletion tests/service/ProjectAnalysisTests.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ let ``Test project1 whole project errors`` () =
wholeProjectResults.Errors.[0].EndColumn |> shouldEqual 44

let ``Test project1 should have protected FullName and TryFullName return same results`` () =
let ``Test project39 should have protected FullName and TryFullName return same results`` () =
let wholeProjectResults = checker.ParseAndCheckProject(Project1.options) |> Async.RunSynchronously
let rec getFullNameComparisons (entity: FSharpEntity) =
seq { if not entity.IsProvided && entity.Accessibility.IsPublic then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4690,3 +4690,83 @@ let ``Test project38 abstract slot information`` () =
"get_Property", ["type OverrideTests.B<'YY> original generics: <'Y> with member get_Property : () ->"]
"get_Event", ["type OverrideTests.B<'YY> with member get_Event : () -> Microsoft.FSharp.Core.unit"]

module Project39 =
open System.IO

let fileName1 = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), ".fs")
let base2 = Path.GetTempFileName()
let dllName = Path.ChangeExtension(base2, ".dll")
let projFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(base2, ".fsproj")
let fileSource1 = """
module M
let functionWithIncompleteSignature x = System.ThisDoesntExist.SomeMethod(x)
let curriedFunctionWithIncompleteSignature (x1:'a) x2 (x3:'a,x4) =
(x2 = x4) |> ignore
type C() =
member x.MemberWithIncompleteSignature x = System.ThisDoesntExist.SomeMethod(x)
member x.CurriedMemberWithIncompleteSignature (x1:'a) x2 (x3:'a,x4) =
(x2 = x4) |> ignore
let uses () =
functionWithIncompleteSignature (failwith "something")
curriedFunctionWithIncompleteSignature (failwith "x1") (failwith "x2") (failwith "x3", failwith "x4")
C().MemberWithIncompleteSignature (failwith "something")
C().CurriedMemberWithIncompleteSignature (failwith "x1") (failwith "x2") (failwith "x3", failwith "x4")
File.WriteAllText(fileName1, fileSource1)
let fileNames = [fileName1]
let args = mkProjectCommandLineArgs (dllName, fileNames)
let options = checker.GetProjectOptionsFromCommandLineArgs (projFileName, args)
let cleanFileName a = if a = fileName1 then "file1" else "??"

let ``Test project39 all symbols`` () =

let wholeProjectResults = checker.ParseAndCheckProject(Project39.options) |> Async.RunSynchronously
let allSymbolUses = wholeProjectResults.GetAllUsesOfAllSymbols() |> Async.RunSynchronously
let typeTextOfAllSymbolUses =
[ for s in allSymbolUses do
match s.Symbol with
| :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as mem ->
if s.Symbol.DisplayName.Contains "Incomplete" then
yield s.Symbol.DisplayName, tups s.RangeAlternate,
("full", mem.FullType |> FSharpType.Prettify |> fun p -> p.Format(s.DisplayContext)),
("params", mem.CurriedParameterGroups |> FSharpType.Prettify |> Seq.toList |> (Seq.toList >> (fun p -> p.Type.Format(s.DisplayContext)))),
("return", mem.ReturnParameter |> FSharpType.Prettify |> fun p -> p.Type.Format(s.DisplayContext))
| _ -> () ]
typeTextOfAllSymbolUses |> shouldEqual
[("functionWithIncompleteSignature", ((4, 4), (4, 35)),
("full", "'a -> 'b"), ("params", [["'a"]]), ("return", "'b"));
("curriedFunctionWithIncompleteSignature", ((5, 4), (5, 42)),
("full", "'a -> 'a0 -> 'a * 'a0 -> 'b when 'a0 : equality"),
[["'a"]; ["'a0 when 'a0 : equality"]; ["'a"; "'a0 when 'a0 : equality"]]),
("return", "'b"));
("MemberWithIncompleteSignature", ((10, 13), (10, 42)),
("full", "C -> 'c -> 'd"), ("params", [["'c"]]), ("return", "'d"));
("CurriedMemberWithIncompleteSignature", ((11, 13), (11, 49)),
("full", "C -> 'a -> 'a0 -> 'a * 'a0 -> 'b when 'a0 : equality"),
[["'a"]; ["'a0 when 'a0 : equality"]; ["'a"; "'a0 when 'a0 : equality"]]),
("return", "'b"));
("functionWithIncompleteSignature", ((16, 3), (16, 34)),
("full", "'a -> 'b"), ("params", [["'a"]]), ("return", "'b"));
("curriedFunctionWithIncompleteSignature", ((17, 3), (17, 41)),
("full", "'a -> 'a0 -> 'a * 'a0 -> 'b when 'a0 : equality"),
[["'a"]; ["'a0 when 'a0 : equality"]; ["'a"; "'a0 when 'a0 : equality"]]),
("return", "'b"));
("MemberWithIncompleteSignature", ((18, 3), (18, 36)),
("full", "'c -> 'd"), ("params", [["'c"]]), ("return", "'d"));
("CurriedMemberWithIncompleteSignature", ((19, 3), (19, 43)),
("full", "'a -> 'a0 -> 'a * 'a0 -> 'b when 'a0 : equality"),
[["'a"]; ["'a0 when 'a0 : equality"]; ["'a"; "'a0 when 'a0 : equality"]]),
("return", "'b"))]

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