This is a test app for showing how to use ckeditor gem ( in Rails 3.1. I hope, this will help somebody :)
First of all, if you really want to integrate ckeditor with Rails 3.1 asset pipeline - you should do it yourself, manually and ckeditor gem is not for you. For everyone else, if you are ok, that ckeditor and all it’s dependencies will exist in public/javascripts directory - you can follow this simple guide.
git clone git://
In order to boot up you should install dependencies, create database and run migrations:
bundle install rake db:create rake db:migrate rails server
Then go to
and enjoy your life.
gem install rails --pre rails new rails_3_1_with_ckeditor_and_carrierwave --skip-bundle cd rails_3_1_with_ckeditor_and_carrierwave
Add this to your gemfile
# if you need carrierwave you should use this line for now gem "ckeditor", :git => "git://" gem "carrierwave" gem "mini_magick"
bundle install
There is a bug in installation generator (which I’ll fix eventually) for Rails 3.1 and you must create public/javascripts directory manually (cause Rails 3.1 doesn’t need it by default):
mkdir public/javascripts
Run generators:
rails generate ckeditor:install rails generate ckeditor:models --orm=active_record --backend=carrierwave
Migrate database (if you’re using ActiveRecord):
rake db:migrate
Generate your controller and view:
rails generate controller main index
And paste this lines to app/views/main/index.html.erb:
<%= javascript_include_tag "/javascripts/ckeditor/ckeditor.js" %> <%= cktext_area_tag("test_area", "Ckeditor is the best") %>
Start the server
rails server
and visit