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Releases: gadenbuie/xaringanthemer

xaringanthemer 0.4.3

16 Sep 01:35
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  • Update the spelling of colour for compatibility with ggplot2 >= 3.5.1 (@teunbrand #79).


20 Aug 22:48
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xaringanthemer 0.4.2

  • Use .table-unshaded class on a tables to prevent xaringanthemer's table heading and row shading (thanks @dragonattheend, #74)

  • Use inverse_text_color as the default for inverse_header_color in most places (#60)

  • Fixed a bug that happened when providing named values for key theme colors (#62)

  • Re-document for CRAN


21 Nov 19:00
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  • Text alignment in code blocks in left, center, or right aligned slides
    no longer matches the slide text. Instead, the code block width is reduced,
    if possible, and the block is pushed to the left, center, or right using
    margins (#68).

  • The style functions are now more permissive about color names in the color
    argument. Color names should be valid CSS classes that can also be used as CSS
    variable names, but the style_ function only stops with an error if the
    color name contains spaces. (@jdlom #69)

  • Fixed an issue that caused problems rendering the xaringanthemer R Markdown
    template if the showtext package isn't installed (thanks @beatrizmilz, #65).


24 Jun 14:06
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  • Added text_bold_font_weight argument to xaringanthemer style functions with a corresponding CSS rule setting the font-weight property of <strong> elements (thanks @matiasandina, #50).

  • The style functions gain a link_decoration argument to set the text-decoration property for links (#57).

  • Set slide number font size in rem so that increasing the font size at the slide level doesn't result in giant slide numbers (#53).

  • The xaringanthemer slide skeleton (R Markdown template) will now render when packages that are used in the template but not in xaringanthemer's Imports are not installed (#52).

  • xaringanthemer no longer sets the fig.showtext chunk option when the showtext package isn't installed and also when fig.showtext = FALSE (thanks @mikedecr #36, #56).


18 Apr 12:29
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Maintenance release to avoid issues with upcoming R 4.1.0 (#49)


04 Mar 17:28
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  • Add inverse_link_color to control color of links on inverse slides
    (thanks @dmi3kno, #44)

  • .pull-right[] now clears floats just for its immediate sibling

  • Add header_font_family_fallback to control fallback fonts for headings
    (thanks @mattwarkentin, #41)

  • New xaringanthemer presentation skeleton with a kitchen sink of typical
    slide elements with the goal of making it easier to preview new themes
    during development.


12 Jul 20:07
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Maintenance releases that fixes some broken things

  • #4 Table customizations applied within .remark-slide class
  • #5 Fixed typo that tried to change text-size instead of font-size for slide numbering
  • #6 Fixed mechanism for calling write_xarigan_theme() from within theme functions

Cyan Steel Sturgeon

12 May 19:08
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First release of xaringanthemer ๐ŸŽ‰

See for all the details.