Final Project for WPI's RBE500-Foundations of Robotics. We built ROS2 Humble packages to control the forward, inverse, and velocity kinematics of the Open Manipulator X. A PD position controller was implemented to handle joint values.
Copy the contents of the entire repository into the src/ directory of a new ROS2 workspace.
mkdir -p rbe500_ws/src
cd rbe500_ws
git clone ./src
Run the following to build the packages in your new workspace:
colcon build --symlink-install
You may get some warning mesages, ignore them for now as long as everything successfully builds.
Don't forget to source your workspace:
source install/setup.bash
After connecting to the robot over USB, run the following to begin position control:
ros2 launch open_manipulator_x_controller
Now run the example code to move the robot:
ros2 run rbe500-example basic_robot_control
Or for python:
ros2 run rbe500_example_py basic_robot_control
RBE 500 - Foundations of Robotics 2024 taught by Professor Berk Calli at Worcester Polytechnic Institute Robotics Engineering Department