This ontology defines a specialised class of the SOSA Ontology's ObservableProperty
- a Geological Property. This is an Observable Property that can be found on Geological Features of Interest.
Ontological properties of a Geological Property are described using a combination of the constructes from the SOSA, SWEET and QUDT Ontologies, thus this ontology is a profile of those three ontologies.
This ontology will soon be visible online at its namespace URI location:
These diagrams overview this ontology and its relations to others such as QUDT.
Figure 1: A the Geoscience classes of QUDT
more to come!
Data that conforms to this ontology - instances of Geological Properties - will be published by the Geological Survey of Queensland in the first half of 2020.
This repository contains both the machine-readable ontology file in the RDF Turtle format, geoprops.ttl, and an HTML web page version of it for people to use geoprops.html. The HTML web page is generated semi-automatically from the RDF file and will soon be displayed online at this ontology's namespace location indicated above.
The content of this ontology is licensed for use under the Creative Commons 4.0 License. See the license deed all details.
If you wish to cite this profile, please do so like this:
Geological Survey of Queensland (2019) "Geological Properties Ontology". An OWL ontology defining classes of observable property relevant Geologic Features.
Geoscience Information Team, Geological Survey of Queensland, Department of Resources, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, [email protected]