This is a model of a general dataset
Fig. 1: The general model of a dataset (after DCAT (rev)).
It is a profile of the DCAT (rev) Dataset Catalogue Vocabulary model of dataset's metadata. It is used for describing the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ)'s datasets which are listed in a dataset catalogue.
In addition to profiling DCAT (rev), this profile, through published alignments of DCAT (rev) is mapped to ISO 19115-1:2014 Geographic information -- Metadata which is the model used for spatial dataset's metadata transfer in Australia.
A dataset
is the output of an activity on an entity by an agent.
Fig. 2: The level 0 conceptual model of creating a dataset.
- A company performs a
to collect geochemical samples,observations
are performed on the samples, with measurements recorded asresults
. The measurements (data) are compiled into adataset
that meets the requirements of the end user of the data.
This profile is presented as a series of files that perform different roles:
- Guidance document - a written document explaining how to use this profile
- model - the model folder contains this profile's models in both graphical (SVG) and machine-readable, textual, form ( RDF turtle).
- imports/ - other ontologies this profile imports.
- constraints.ttl - a constraints file, formulated using SHACL, that can be used to validate instances of metadata to check conformance with this profile.
- profile.ttl - the profile declaration. A description of all of the items in this profile (the formal model, validating resources, documentation etc.) according to the W3C's Profiles Ontology which describes how all the parts related to one another, the roles they play (to give guidance for use, to validate data etc.) and how this profile profiles the various standards listed above.
CLasses used in this profile:
- dcat:Dataset
- dcat:Theme - used to categorise the resource, the GSQ themes are described as skos:Concepts in the vocabulary GSQ Data Themes
- dcat:Distribution
- dct:Location
- dct:creator
- dct:publisher
- dct:contactPoint
- dct:title
- dct:description
- dct:identifier
- dct:license - not shown in diagram for readability
- dcat:keyword - not shown in diagram for readability
- foaf:Agent
- SOSA sample
- SOSA feature of interest
- SOSA observation
- SOSA sampling - the survey event
- rdfs:seeAlso - refers to secondary metadata
- FOAF document - the document with secondary metadata
- ProperInterval
Distribution properties not shown in the diagram:
The vocabularies used in this profile are:
The content of this repository is licensed for use with the Creative Commons 4.0 License. See the license deed for details.
Geoscience Information Team, Geological Survey of Queensland, Department of Resources, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, [email protected]