Slides, links and tutorials used for the workshop on the Lightning Network.
Links to slides:
- The Lightning Network: Hands-on workshop
- Smart Contracts/The Lightning Network: Talk at the Impact Hub on 2018-02-07
- Bitcoin Cryptography with JavaScript: Talk at the BernerJS meetup on 2018-06-26
- Bitcoin Addresses: Talk at the meetup at Tesla on 2018-07-10
- Trading Basics: Talk at the Impact Hub on 2018-02-07 by Jan Gobeli
- Macaroons: What are they, how do they work and how are they used in LND?
- Elliptische Kurven: Was ist das und warum kann man damit Crypto machen? (in German)
In this first task we are going to install one of the already many software wallets that exist for the Lightning Network.
For the workshop we are going to focus on these three options even if there are others available. So please choose one, preferably based on your skill.
- Go to the Android Play store and install the Eclair Wallet Testnet
- Start the app and find your wallet's Bitcoin address (should start with 2... for Testnet)
- Go to and send yourself some Testnet Bitcoins
- Go to the Apple App Store and install the CoinClip Testnet
- Start the app, wait for it to sync and find your wallet's Bitcoin address (button "Receive" in the section with the chain icon, should start with 2... for Testnet)
- Go to and send yourself some Testnet Bitcoins
- Node.js version >= 8
- npm version >= 5
- yarn
Once you have installed the tools mentioned above continue here:
- Go to and follow the installation instructions
- The binaries for
can be downloaded here: LND binary releases - Start the GUI with
npm run dev
- Go to your wallet and display your wallet's address (should start with 2... for Testnet)
- Go to and send yourself some Testnet Bitcoins
Create a directory where the data for the lnd
process will be stored. For the example we will assume that the directory is /tmp/lnd
Also add the binaries from LND binary releases and add them to the PATH environment variable.
Open one command line window and run the following command:
lnd \
--lnddir=/tmp/lnd \
--logdir=/tmp/lnd \ \
--bitcoin.testnet \
--bitcoin.node=neutrino \ \ \ \
--autopilot.maxchannels=0 \
--autopilot.allocation=0 \
If no critical error messages are printed and you see the message Waiting for wallet encryption password
, you can create a wallet with the command:
lncli --lnddir=/tmp/lnd create
This should create a new wallet and sync the blockchain.
You can get the status of your node with the command:
lncli --lnddir=/tmp/lnd getinfo
To get an overview of all available commands, run:
lncli --lnddir=/tmp/lnd help
To get a wallet address, run the following command:
lncli --lnddir=/tmp/lnd newaddress np2wkh
This might take a while if the wallet is not yet synced to the chain. But finally an address starting with 2... should be printed.
Create a directory where the data for the lnd
process will be stored. For the example we will assume that the directory is /tmp/lnd
Run the following command to pull and run a docker image:
docker run -d \
-v /tmp/lnd:/root/.lnd \
--restart=unless-stopped \
--name=lnd \
--entrypoint= \
guggero/lnd \
lnd \
--logdir="/root/.lnd" \ \
--bitcoin.testnet \
--bitcoin.node=neutrino \ \ \ \
--autopilot.maxchannels=0 \
--autopilot.allocation=0 \
This should start lnd in a container. The log can be viewed with docker logs -f lnd
Now create a wallet with the command line tool that comes with lnd:
docker exec -ti lnd lncli create
To use the command line tool that comes with lnd, use the following command (for example, to get the node info with getinfo
docker exec -ti lnd lncli getinfo
To get an overview of all available commands, run:
docker exec -ti lnd lncli help
To get a wallet address, run the following command:
docker exec -ti lnd lncli newaddress np2wkh
This might take a while if the wallet is not yet synced to the chain. But finally an address starting with 2... should be printed.
Go to and send yourself some Testnet Bitcoins!
- Go to
- Connect to the node that is described there and open a channel
- Android app: Find a menu that reads "Scan node URI"
- iOS app: Find a button that reads "Open channel", then click "Scan Pubkey@HostIP"
- Zap: Add a new "Contact". This will connect and also open a payment channel
- Command line:
lncli --lnddir=/tmp/lnd connect pubkey@ip:port
lncli --lnddir=/tmp/lnd openchannel pubkey amount
lncli --lnddir=/tmp/lnd listchannels
- Docker:
docker exec -ti lnd lncli connect pubkey@ip:port
docker exec -ti lnd lncli openchannel pubkey amount
docker exec -ti lnd lncli listchannels