Contributions are very welcome!
If you see a problem that you'd like to see fixed, the best way to make it happen is to help out by submitting a pull request implementing it. Refer to the file for more details about the workflow.
You can also ask for problem-solving ideas and discuss in GitHub issues directly.
Firstly, download this pkg,
go get
Secondly, use it.
import (
// Get a specified time by add days, such as d is 2022-04-13 10:20:30 and days is 10,
// then aDate is 2022-04-23 10:20:30
aDate := timekit.GetTimeAddDays(time.Now(), 10)
// Get a specified date format time string of common version, such as d is 2022-04-13 10:20:30,
// then aString is "2022-04-23 10:20:30"
aString := timekit.FormatYyyyMmDdHhMmSs(time.Now())
// Get a specified date format time string of china version, such as d is 2022-04-13 10:20:30,
// then aString2 is "2022年04月23日 10:20:30", like FormatCnOfYyyyMmDdHhMmSs method,
// FormatEnOfYyyyMmDdHhMmSs return "2022/04/23 10:20:30" and FormatCptOfYyyyMmDdHhMmSs return "20220423102030".
aString2 := timekit.FormatCnOfYyyyMmDdHhMmSs(time.Now())
// Get a specified date format time, such as dStr is "2022-04-13 10:20:30",
// then aTime is 2022-04-23 10:20:30
aTime, err := timekit.ParseYyyyMmDdHhMmSs("2022-04-13 10:20:30")
Finally, good luck guys!