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Golang AWS GCP Docker

Hello, I'm Haitham. I build microservices!

Hello, I'm Haitham. I build microservices!

I'm a Backend developer from Egypt.

About Me

  • 💼 Software Engineer (Golang, PHP)
  • ❤️ I love writing Golang and building cloud microservices on AWS and GCP
  • 💬 Ask me about anything here

Tech Stack

golang docker kube php gcp aws rabbitmq postgres

GitHub Stats

Anurag's github stats Top Langs

Technical Skills

  • Languages: Golang, C++, PHP, JavaScript, ReactJS / NextJS / Bootstrap
  • Cloud Platforms: AWS, GCP, Digital Ocean
  • CI/CD: Continuous Integration & Deployment
  • Containerization: Docker, Kubernetes
  • Communication Protocols: gRPC, REST, WebSockets
  • Kubernetes: Controller & Operator Development
  • Testing & Optimization: Unit Testing, Code Optimization
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • Messaging: RabbitMQ, PUB/SUB
  • Tools: Jaeger, Git, GitHub Actions


  • Development of back-end components to integrate applications with web services.
  • Review code to validate structures, assess security, and verify browser, device, and operating system compatibility.
  • Design, development, and implementation of software applications for websites based on analyzed requirements and understanding of industry technical standards.
  • Plan and engineer RESTful web services to manipulate dynamic datasets.
  • Expand development efforts to include related platforms and protocols such as REST and database technologies like MySQL, PostgreSQL.
  • Employ prefabricated design patterns to shorten development duration by applying existing frameworks.
  • Build databases and table structures following MySQL, PostgreSQL architecture methodology for web applications.
  • Design and deploy scalable, extendable, and maintainable full-stack applications using modern cloud architecture GCP, AWS.
  • GitHub Actions as CI/CD method.
  • Project involvement in Golang GRPC API and webhooks and Socket programming.
  • Coding and implementing unit and integration tests using WEB Gin framework and Gorilla toolkit.
  • Project involvement using GCP, AWS, EC2, S3, and lambda functions, microservices, and API-based communications.
  • Kubernetes with a program to control Jaeger, Minio, RabbitMQ, cloud storage.

Top Repositories

organization-management-app learn-sys Fullstack Monolith to Microservices Email Microservice Event Management CRM Backend MovieeApp image-filter appointmen-chatbot

Contributions to Open Source Projects

Get in Touch

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or explore my repositories here on GitHub. If you're as excited about technology and innovation as I am, let's collaborate and create something incredible together.