This repo allows you to initialize multiple magento containers on the same machine.
The architecture can be seen as the following:
elastisearch, mariadb and reverse-proxy services need to be started only at the first server setup. The first setup can be done using the script first-setup as follow:
Use docker command to check If everything is ok. Commands like:
- docker ps --> to list running services
- docker logs -f container_name --> to check service log
You may need to change the mariadb and elasticsearch environment variables. Feel free to do this by editing the mariadb.env and elastic.env files.
You might need to change the permissions of the magento user before creating a magento container. To do this you can connect to the phpmyadmin interface to set the permissions.
The magento container is based on the bitnami magento image that you can find on the official bitnami repo ( Also in this case a magento.env file is provided to act on the configuration. For the available configs see the official bitnami magento repo.
I have already provided a simple script that can guide you in creating a magento service. It is assumed in this case that you have not made any changes and are therefore using all configurations as is. If you decide to make changes you will obviously need to edit the script.
NOTE: This is all for working in a test environment, so you can use it as-is without making any changes. Just run using the scripts.
docker exec -u daemon -w /bitnami/magento -i $container_name php bin/magento admin:user:create --admin-user=admin --admin-password=admin123 [email protected] --admin-firstname=admin --admin-lastname=admin
docker exec -u daemon -w /bitnami/magento -i $container_name composer config repositories.repo-name vcs<orgname or username>/repo
docker exec -u daemon -w /bitnami/magento -i $container_name composer config <public_key> <private_key>
docker exec -u daemon -w /bitnami/magento -i $container_name composer config <github_token>