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Screenshare Redux

Another LIL screenshare project. This one is based on Django Channels.

This project serves two functions: first, to allow a team to post pictures to a Slack channel and have them appear on a monitor in a common workspace; second, as a context for experimentation with web technologies.


This system should be deployed on a server accessible from the public web, so that Slack can reach it. It subscribes to certain Slack events by exposing the endpoint /slack_event; create an app, enter the URL in Event Subscriptions (something like<app ID>/event-subscriptions?), and subscribe to the bot events message.channels, reaction_added, and reaction_removed. In config/.env, you'll need to configure SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET (Signing Secret in the App Credentials section of Settings/Basic Information) and SLACK_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN ("Bot User OAuth Token" in the OAuth & Permissions section of the app's config); see config/.env.example.

In production, this system is running on a Dokku instance. The complete (?) sequence for setting it up is

dokku apps:create screenshare
dokku redis:create screenshare-store
dokku redis:link screenshare-store screenshare
dokku domains:set screenshare <your domain>
dokku letsencrypt:enable screenshare
dokku config:set --no-restart screenshare "SECRET_KEY=..."
dokku config:set --no-restart screenshare "SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET=..."
dokku config:set --no-restart screenshare "SLACK_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN=..."
dokku config:set --no-restart screenshare "ALLOWED_HOSTS=<your domain>"
dokku config:set --no-restart screenshare "POST_CHANNEL=..."
dokku config:set --no-restart screenshare "ASCII_FIRE_URL=..."
sudo dokku plugin:install
dokku primitive:create prim
dokku primitive:link prim screenshare

Finally, having set up your git remote with something like git remote add dokku dokku@<your dokku instance>:screenshare, deploy with git push dokku develop.

(Screenshare used to be set up on a VM running Debian, with the application served by daphne via systemd, and exposed with nginx. Important dependencies include redis-server.)

Depending on your setup, you may want to use a firewall and/or nginx to restrict access to the / endpoint.

Prior to a production deployment, you may want to try this out locally, using ngrok to expose the service to Slack. The complete sequence for doing this is as follows:

  • copy config/.env.example to config/.env
  • install redis, probably with brew install redis
  • in one terminal, run redis-server
  • install ngrok, probably with brew install ngrok/ngrok/ngrok
  • in another terminal, run ngrok http 8000
  • put the ngrok endpoint in ALLOWED_HOSTS in config/.env
  • set up a Slack app as described above, and put SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET and SLACK_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN in config/.env
  • add the app to whatever channel you like, and set the channel name in config/.env like this: POST_CHANNEL='#bottest'
  • additionally set ASCII_FIRE_URL in config/.env
  • install Poetry, probably with curl -sSL | python3 -
  • in yet another terminal, run the primitive API; probably the simplest way is docker run -p 8081:8000, but you can also clone and run docker build -t primitive-api . && docker run -it -p 8081:8000 primitive-api. Set PRIMITIVE_URL=http://localhost:8081/ in config/.env.
  • in yet another terminal, in this directory, run poetry install
  • in the same terminal, generate a secret key with poetry run python -c "from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())" and set the SECRET_KEY in config/.env
  • in the same terminal, in this directory, run poetry run ./ collectstatic
  • in the same terminal, in this directory, run poetry run daphne config.asgi:application --port 8000 --bind -v2
  • in the Slack app config page, go to Event Subscriptions and set and verify the Request URL, which will be the ngrok endpoint with /slack_event appended

You should now be able to open (or the ngrok endpoint), post an image to the channel you added the app to, and see it appear in your browser.

(Next steps might be to script this, and/or embody it in a docker compose setup.)


For development, use Poetry, but make sure to export the conventional requirements file if you make changes to poetry.lock:

poetry export -o requirements.txt

Note that daphne, when run as shown in the ngrok example above, does not auto-reload on code changes. This issue suggests switching to uvicorn for an ASGI server.


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Contributors 4
