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Disallow wildcards and operators when spec is old
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Do this already in the Parsec instance parser.
This allows removing checks from `D.PD.Check`.
Later this would also allow removing non-relevant
constructors from `VersionRange`, allowing easier testing.

This change causes 10% slowdown: from

135768 files processed
  7350 files contained warnings
113156 files have check warnings
     0 files failed to parse

120.901201s elapsed
117.640431s elapsed
119.663620s elapsed
119.454329s elapsed
119.785214s elapsed


135768 files processed
 31912 files contained warnings
113109 files have check warnings
     0 files failed to parse

130.969593s elapsed
132.016403s elapsed
134.214536s elapsed
128.753382s elapsed
131.503804s elapsed

I hope the slowdown is acceptable, and I have an idea which may mitigate
this. I'll try out it after I done further refactorings.

Note how (parser) warnings grew by a factor. There are plenty of (old)
files on Hackage, which don't use correct cabal-version.  For that
reason we only issue warnings, and not fail.  Quirks approach won't
scale for these. In comparison, there are even more files
with check warnings
  • Loading branch information
phadej committed Mar 16, 2020
1 parent a65d28b commit ef0699a
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Showing 24 changed files with 132 additions and 153 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Cabal/Cabal.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -246,13 +246,15 @@ extra-source-files:
Expand Down
123 changes: 0 additions & 123 deletions Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription/Check.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1253,40 +1253,6 @@ checkCabalVersion pkg =
++ "the 'other-extensions' field lists extensions that are used in "
++ "some modules, e.g. via the {-# LANGUAGE #-} pragma."

-- check use of "foo (>= 1.0 && < 1.4) || >=1.8 " version-range syntax
, checkVersion [1,8] (not (null versionRangeExpressions)) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"The package uses full version-range expressions "
++ "in a 'build-depends' field: "
++ commaSep (map displayRawDependency versionRangeExpressions)
++ ". To use this new syntax the package needs to specify at least "
++ "'cabal-version: >= 1.8'. Alternatively, if broader compatibility "
++ "is important, then convert to conjunctive normal form, and use "
++ "multiple 'build-depends:' lines, one conjunct per line."

-- check use of "build-depends: foo == 1.*" syntax
, checkVersion [1,6] (not (null depsUsingWildcardSyntax)) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"The package uses wildcard syntax in the 'build-depends' field: "
++ commaSep (map prettyShow depsUsingWildcardSyntax)
++ ". To use this new syntax the package need to specify at least "
++ "'cabal-version: >= 1.6'. Alternatively, if broader compatibility "
++ "is important then use: " ++ commaSep
[ prettyShow (Dependency name (eliminateWildcardSyntax versionRange) Set.empty)
| Dependency name versionRange _ <- depsUsingWildcardSyntax ]

-- check use of "build-depends: foo ^>= 1.2.3" syntax
, checkVersion [2,0] (not (null depsUsingMajorBoundSyntax)) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"The package uses major bounded version syntax in the "
++ "'build-depends' field: "
++ commaSep (map prettyShow depsUsingMajorBoundSyntax)
++ ". To use this new syntax the package need to specify at least "
++ "'cabal-version: 2.0'. Alternatively, if broader compatibility "
++ "is important then use: " ++ commaSep
[ prettyShow (Dependency name (eliminateMajorBoundSyntax versionRange) Set.empty)
| Dependency name versionRange _ <- depsUsingMajorBoundSyntax ]

, checkVersion [3,0] (any (not . null)
(concatMap buildInfoField
[ asmSources
Expand All @@ -1312,26 +1278,6 @@ checkCabalVersion pkg =
"The use of 'virtual-modules' requires the package "
++ " to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 2.1'."

-- check use of "tested-with: GHC (>= 1.0 && < 1.4) || >=1.8 " syntax
, checkVersion [1,8] (not (null testedWithVersionRangeExpressions)) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"The package uses full version-range expressions "
++ "in a 'tested-with' field: "
++ commaSep (map displayRawDependency testedWithVersionRangeExpressions)
++ ". To use this new syntax the package needs to specify at least "
++ "'cabal-version: >= 1.8'."

-- check use of "tested-with: GHC == 6.12.*" syntax
, checkVersion [1,6] (not (null testedWithUsingWildcardSyntax)) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"The package uses wildcard syntax in the 'tested-with' field: "
++ commaSep (map prettyShow testedWithUsingWildcardSyntax)
++ ". To use this new syntax the package need to specify at least "
++ "'cabal-version: >= 1.6'. Alternatively, if broader compatibility "
++ "is important then use: " ++ commaSep
[ prettyShow (Dependency name (eliminateWildcardSyntax versionRange) Set.empty)
| Dependency name versionRange _ <- testedWithUsingWildcardSyntax ]

-- check use of "source-repository" section
, checkVersion [1,6] (not (null (sourceRepos pkg))) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1403,15 +1349,6 @@ checkCabalVersion pkg =

buildInfoField field = map field (allBuildInfo pkg)

versionRangeExpressions =
[ dep | dep@(Dependency _ vr _) <- allBuildDepends pkg
, usesNewVersionRangeSyntax vr ]

testedWithVersionRangeExpressions =
[ Dependency (mkPackageName (prettyShow compiler)) vr Set.empty
| (compiler, vr) <- testedWith pkg
, usesNewVersionRangeSyntax vr ]

simpleSpecVersionRangeSyntax =
either (const True) (cataVersionRange alg) (specVersionRaw pkg)
Expand All @@ -1422,63 +1359,8 @@ checkCabalVersion pkg =
simpleSpecVersionSyntax =
either (const True) (const False) (specVersionRaw pkg)

usesNewVersionRangeSyntax :: VersionRange -> Bool
= (> 2) -- uses the new syntax if depth is more than 2
. cataVersionRange alg
alg (UnionVersionRangesF a b) = a + b
alg (IntersectVersionRangesF a b) = a + b
alg (VersionRangeParensF _) = 3
alg _ = 1 :: Int

depsUsingWildcardSyntax = [ dep | dep@(Dependency _ vr _) <- allBuildDepends pkg
, usesWildcardSyntax vr ]

depsUsingMajorBoundSyntax = [ dep | dep@(Dependency _ vr _) <- allBuildDepends pkg
, usesMajorBoundSyntax vr ]

usesBackpackIncludes = any (not . null . mixins) (allBuildInfo pkg)

testedWithUsingWildcardSyntax =
[ Dependency (mkPackageName (prettyShow compiler)) vr Set.empty
| (compiler, vr) <- testedWith pkg
, usesWildcardSyntax vr ]

usesWildcardSyntax :: VersionRange -> Bool
usesWildcardSyntax = cataVersionRange alg
alg (WildcardVersionF _) = True
alg (UnionVersionRangesF a b) = a || b
alg (IntersectVersionRangesF a b) = a || b
alg (VersionRangeParensF a) = a
alg _ = False

-- NB: this eliminates both, WildcardVersion and MajorBoundVersion
-- because when WildcardVersion is not support, neither is MajorBoundVersion
eliminateWildcardSyntax = hyloVersionRange embed projectVersionRange
embed (WildcardVersionF v) = intersectVersionRanges
(orLaterVersion v) (earlierVersion (wildcardUpperBound v))
embed (MajorBoundVersionF v) = intersectVersionRanges
(orLaterVersion v) (earlierVersion (majorUpperBound v))
embed vr = embedVersionRange vr

usesMajorBoundSyntax :: VersionRange -> Bool
usesMajorBoundSyntax = cataVersionRange alg
alg (MajorBoundVersionF _) = True
alg (UnionVersionRangesF a b) = a || b
alg (IntersectVersionRangesF a b) = a || b
alg (VersionRangeParensF a) = a
alg _ = False

eliminateMajorBoundSyntax = hyloVersionRange embed projectVersionRange
embed (MajorBoundVersionF v) = intersectVersionRanges
(orLaterVersion v) (earlierVersion (majorUpperBound v))
embed vr = embedVersionRange vr

mentionedExtensions = [ ext | bi <- allBuildInfo pkg
, ext <- allExtensions bi ]
mentionedExtensionsThatNeedCabal12 =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1529,11 +1411,6 @@ checkCabalVersion pkg =

allModuleNamesAutogen = concatMap autogenModules (allBuildInfo pkg)

displayRawDependency :: Dependency -> String
displayRawDependency (Dependency pkg vr _sublibs) =
prettyShow pkg ++ " " ++ prettyShow vr

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Checks on the GenericPackageDescription
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions Cabal/Distribution/Parsec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ module Distribution.Parsec (
-- * CabalParsing and and diagnostics
CabalParsing (..),
-- ** Warnings
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,6 +174,25 @@ simpleParsec
. runParsecParser lexemeParsec "<simpleParsec>"
. fieldLineStreamFromString

-- | Parse a 'String' with 'lexemeParsec' using specific 'CabalSpecVersion'.
-- @since
simpleParsec' :: Parsec a => CabalSpecVersion -> String -> Maybe a
simpleParsec' spec
= either (const Nothing) Just
. runParsecParser' spec lexemeParsec "<simpleParsec>"
. fieldLineStreamFromString

-- | Parse a 'String' with 'lexemeParsec' using specific 'CabalSpecVersion'.
-- Fail if there are any warnings.
-- @since
simpleParsecW' :: Parsec a => CabalSpecVersion -> String -> Maybe a
simpleParsecW' spec
= either (const Nothing) (\(x, ws) -> if null ws then Just x else Nothing)
. runParsecParser' spec ((,) <$> lexemeParsec <*> liftParsec Parsec.getState) "<simpleParsec>"
. fieldLineStreamFromString

-- | Parse a 'String' with 'lexemeParsec'.
eitherParsec :: Parsec a => String -> Either String a
eitherParsec = explicitEitherParsec parsec
Expand All @@ -182,6 +204,17 @@ explicitEitherParsec parser
. runParsecParser (parser <* P.spaces) "<eitherParsec>"
. fieldLineStreamFromString

-- | Parse a 'String' with given 'ParsecParser' and 'CabalSpecVersion'. Trailing whitespace is accepted.
-- See 'explicitEitherParsec'.
-- @since
explicitEitherParsec' :: CabalSpecVersion -> ParsecParser a -> String -> Either String a
explicitEitherParsec' spec parser
= either (Left . show) Right
. runParsecParser' spec (parser <* P.spaces) "<eitherParsec>"
. fieldLineStreamFromString

-- | Run 'ParsecParser' with 'cabalSpecLatest'.
runParsecParser :: ParsecParser a -> FilePath -> FieldLineStream -> Either Parsec.ParseError a
runParsecParser = runParsecParser' cabalSpecLatest
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Cabal/Distribution/Parsec/Warning.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ data PWarnType
| PWTDoubleDash -- ^ Double dash token, most likely it's a mistake - it's not a comment
| PWTMultipleSingularField -- ^ e.g. name or version should be specified only once.
| PWTBuildTypeDefault -- ^ Workaround for derive-package having build-type: Default. See <>.

| PWTVersionOperator -- ^ Version operators used (without cabal-version: 1.8)
| PWTVersionWildcard -- ^ Version wildcard used (without cabal-version: 1.6)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Generic)

instance Binary PWarnType
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Cabal/Distribution/Types/PkgconfigVersionRange.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ instance Parsec PkgconfigVersionRange where
csv <- askCabalSpecVersion
if csv >= CabalSpecV3_0
then pkgconfigParser
else versionRangeToPkgconfigVersionRange <$> versionRangeParser P.integral
else versionRangeToPkgconfigVersionRange <$> versionRangeParser P.integral csv

-- "modern" parser of @pkg-config@ package versions.
pkgconfigParser :: CabalParsing m => m PkgconfigVersionRange
Expand Down
75 changes: 62 additions & 13 deletions Cabal/Distribution/Types/VersionRange/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -262,8 +262,40 @@ instance Pretty VersionRange where
punct p p' | p < p' = Disp.parens
| otherwise = id

-- |
-- >>> simpleParsec "^>= 3.4" :: Maybe VersionRange
-- Just (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [3,4]))
-- Small history:
-- Set operations are introduced in 3.0
-- >>> map (`simpleParsec'` "^>= { 1.2 , 1.3 }") [CabalSpecV2_4, CabalSpecV3_0] :: [Maybe VersionRange]
-- [Nothing,Just (UnionVersionRanges (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [1,2])) (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [1,3])))]
-- @^>=@ is introduced in 2.0
-- >>> map (`simpleParsec'` "^>=1.2") [CabalSpecV1_24, CabalSpecV2_0] :: [Maybe VersionRange]
-- [Nothing,Just (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [1,2]))]
-- @-none@ is introduced in 1.22
-- >>> map (`simpleParsec'` "-none") [CabalSpecV1_20, CabalSpecV1_22] :: [Maybe VersionRange]
-- [Nothing,Just (IntersectVersionRanges (LaterVersion (mkVersion [1])) (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [1])))]
-- Operators are introduced in 1.8. Issues only a warning.
-- >>> map (`simpleParsecW'` "== 1 || ==2") [CabalSpecV1_6, CabalSpecV1_8] :: [Maybe VersionRange]
-- [Nothing,Just (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion (mkVersion [1])) (ThisVersion (mkVersion [2])))]
-- Wild-version ranges are introduced in 1.6. Issues only a warning.
-- >>> map (`simpleParsecW'` "== 1.2.*") [CabalSpecV1_4, CabalSpecV1_6] :: [Maybe VersionRange]
-- [Nothing,Just (WildcardVersion (mkVersion [1,2]))]
instance Parsec VersionRange where
parsec = versionRangeParser versionDigitParser
parsec = askCabalSpecVersion >>= versionRangeParser versionDigitParser

instance Described VersionRange where
describe _ = RERec "version-range" $ REUnion
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,13 +333,14 @@ instance Described VersionRange where
-- versions, 'PkgConfigVersionRange'.
-- @since 3.0
versionRangeParser :: forall m. CabalParsing m => m Int -> m VersionRange
versionRangeParser digitParser = expr
versionRangeParser :: forall m. CabalParsing m => m Int -> CabalSpecVersion -> m VersionRange
versionRangeParser digitParser csv = expr
expr = do P.spaces
t <- term
(do _ <- P.string "||"
e <- expr
return (unionVersionRanges t e)
Expand All @@ -316,6 +349,7 @@ versionRangeParser digitParser = expr
term = do f <- factor
(do _ <- P.string "&&"
t <- term
return (intersectVersionRanges f t)
Expand All @@ -331,6 +365,7 @@ versionRangeParser digitParser = expr
"==" -> do
(do (wild, v) <- verOrWild
checkWild wild
pure $ (if wild then withinVersion else thisVersion) v
(verSet' thisVersion =<< verSet))
Expand All @@ -356,6 +391,27 @@ versionRangeParser digitParser = expr
">" -> pure $ laterVersion v
_ -> fail $ "Unknown version operator " ++ show op

-- Cannot be warning
-- On 2020-03-16 there was around 27400 files on Hackage failing to parse due this
-- For example
checkOp = when (csv < CabalSpecV1_8) $
parsecWarning PWTVersionOperator $ unwords
[ "version operators used."
, "To use version operators the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.8'."

-- Cannot be warning
-- On 2020-03-16 there was 46 files on Hackage failing to parse due this
-- For example
checkWild False = pure ()
checkWild True = when (csv < CabalSpecV1_6) $
parsecWarning PWTVersionWildcard $ unwords
[ "Wildcard syntax used."
, "To use version wildcards the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.6'."

isOpChar '<' = True
isOpChar '=' = True
Expand All @@ -364,13 +420,8 @@ versionRangeParser digitParser = expr
isOpChar '-' = True
isOpChar _ = False

-- Note: There are other features:
-- && and || since 1.8
-- x.y.* (wildcard) since 1.6

-- -none version range is available since 1.22
noVersion' = do
csv <- askCabalSpecVersion
noVersion' =
if csv >= CabalSpecV1_22
then pure noVersion
else fail $ unwords
Expand All @@ -381,8 +432,7 @@ versionRangeParser digitParser = expr

-- ^>= is available since 2.0
majorBoundVersion' v = do
csv <- askCabalSpecVersion
majorBoundVersion' v =
if csv >= CabalSpecV2_0
then pure $ majorBoundVersion v
else fail $ unwords
Expand All @@ -398,8 +448,7 @@ versionRangeParser digitParser = expr
embed vr = embedVersionRange vr

-- version set notation (e.g. "== {,, }")
verSet' op vs = do
csv <- askCabalSpecVersion
verSet' op vs =
if csv >= CabalSpecV3_0
then pure $ foldr1 unionVersionRanges (fmap op vs)
else fail $ unwords
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Cabal/tests/ParserTests.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ warningTests = testGroup "warnings triggered"
, warningTest PWTTrailingFields "trailingfield.cabal"
, warningTest PWTDoubleDash "doubledash.cabal"
, warningTest PWTMultipleSingularField "multiplesingular.cabal"
, warningTest PWTMultipleSingularField "multiplesingular.cabal"
, warningTest PWTVersionWildcard "wildcard.cabal"
, warningTest PWTVersionOperator "operator.cabal"
-- TODO: not implemented yet
-- , warningTest PWTExtraTestModule "extratestmodule.cabal"
Expand Down

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