OpenTelemetry auto-instrumentation tool. It injects a common tracing block to all exported functions.
- Custom templates are supported. Example: template.
- If the function contains a named
result parameter, thenerr
will be recorded in the span. - It supports different names of
parameter. - This can also be used with OpenTracing, but will require a custom template.
- Using creativity, this can be used for any inserts at the beginning of the function.
brew install hedhyw/main/otelinji
Latest DEB and RPM packages are available on the releases page.
go install
git clone [email protected]:hedhyw/otelinji.git
cd gherkingen
task build # Requires
cp ./bin/gherkingen /usr/local/bin
chmod +x /usr/local/bin
Inject the layer and rewrite the file (be careful, always commit all changes first).
otelinji -filename input_file.go > input_file.go
otelinji -w -filename input_file.go
or in docker
docker run \ --rm \ --read-only \ --network none \ --rm \ --volume $PWD:/host \ hedhyw/otelinji:latest \ -filename /host/internal/pkg/assets/assets_test.go
Running for all Go files in the current directory.
# It will inject the layer to all exported functions.
# It will ignore vendor and .git folders, test and generated files.
find . -name "*.go" \
| grep -v "vendor/\|.git/\|_test.go" \
| xargs -n 1 -t otelinji -w -filename
The same in docker:
docker run \
--rm \
--read-only \
--network none \
--volume $PWD:/host \
--entrypoint sh \
hedhyw/otelinji:latest \
-c " \
find /host -name \"*.go\" \
| grep -v \"vendor/\|.git/\|_test.go\" \
| xargs -n 1 -t /app/otelinji -w -filename \
otelinji --help
Usage of otelinji:
-filename string
golang file [required]
-skip-generated DO NOT EDIT
skip files with DO NOT EDIT comment (default true)
-template string
path to template file [optional] (default "@/otel")
print application version and quit
-w write result to file [optional]