This module is for Nuxt 2 only. For a Nuxt 3 version, please see
- Add
dependency to your project
yarn add @hexdigital/nuxt-intercom # or npm install @hexdigital/nuxt-intercom
Add @hexdigital/nuxt-intercom
to the buildModules section of nuxt.config.js
buildModules: [
intercom: {
const defaults = {
appId: null, // Intercom ID
autoBoot: true, // True to boot messenger widget and show UI on page load, false to allow manually booting later
debug: false, // True to show debug messages in the console, useful for development, false to not show them
config: {}, // Object to specify messenger attributes to configure when booting. see
scriptId: 'intercom-script', // String to identfy the script tag, for vue-meta
scriptDefer: false, // True to defer loading intercom widget javascript until page loads, false to async load it in document flow
updateOnPageRoute: true // True to call intercom's 'update' method on route change, false to not do this
- Clone this repository
- Install devDependencies using
yarn install
- Start development server using
yarn dev
orINTERCOM_ID=<your intercom id> yarn dev
if you want to provide customer INTERCOM_ID.
Copyright (c) Hex Digital