translate an Odoo module into a Hexya module at best as it can
go to the 'Launcher' directory.
Compile the launcher using go build
and start the server with the command ./Launcher <odoo_dir> <output_dir>
cd Launcher
./Launcher ../input/mail ../output/mail
multiple prompts should show up on the console, asking you the path of the go modules corresponding to the dependencies. enter "skip" if you wish to ignore this dependency. leave empty if you want to search in the default hexya-addons repositories
HexTranslate - 2019-06-25 10:54:53 - [Warn]: Some dependencies found are not recognized.
please specify for each one its hexya module path
Leave empty for default hexya-addons folder
Exemple: web ->
HexTranslate - 2019-06-25 10:54:53 - [Warn]: please specify hexya module path for: baseSetup
HexTranslate - 2019-06-25 10:54:56 - [Warn]: please specify hexya module path for: bus
HexTranslate - 2019-06-25 10:54:57 - [Warn]: please specify hexya module path for: webTour
HexTranslate - 2019-06-25 10:55:18 - [Info]: These module paths will attempt to be loaded:
HexTranslate - 2019-06-25 10:55:18 - [Info]:
HexTranslate - 2019-06-25 10:55:18 - [Info]:
HexTranslate - 2019-06-25 10:55:18 - [Info]:
HexTranslate - 2019-06-25 10:55:18 - [Info]: Confirm? [Y/N]
After a while, the server should be started, and the web interface accessible at
Once on the web interface, click "create" then, in the new form that appears, change the fields according to what you want. then, click on generate.
The new hexya module will be written where you specified (output path)