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⚡🖥️👾 Host your own Lightning Address on LND

Lighting Wallets like, and many more allow us to send sats to Lighting Addresses like [email protected]. We can hence pay without scanning the QR code of an invoice.


  • An existing Domain name and static ip address to express the lighting address(e.g. [email protected])
  • A public Lightning Network node with sufficient inbound liquidity to receive payments to your lightning address.
  • Golang installation
  • A Webserver and reverse proxy like Nginx or Caddy. (example setup instructions here)
  • Certbot to serve http over TLS. This is required since calls to the LNURLP are done via https. (example setup instructions here)


  • Implements the LN address protocol to receive lightning payments to an email-like address.
  • Can host multiple lightning addresses on the same server instance.
  • Notification support for payment receipts via email, telegram, http and more to come.
  • Nostr NIP 05 style account verification, see

Install and Setup

Clone & Build

go install

Configuration config.json

  • RPCHost: Your lnd's REST endpoint e.g. "https://localhost:8080"
  • InvoiceMacaroonPath: "/path/to/invoice.macaroon"
  • TLSCertPath: "/home/user/.lnd/tls.cert",
  • LightningAddresses: [ Array of preferred lightning addresses hosted by the server. Mine is: [email protected] :-). This resolves to ]
  • MinSendable: 1000,
  • MaxSendable: 100000000,
  • CommentAllowed: If set to 0 the sender can't add a comment otherwise the number stands for the permitted number of characters.
  • Tag: "payRequest",
  • Metadata: [["text/plain","Welcome to"],["text/identifier","[email protected]"]],
  • Thumbnail: "/path/to/thumbnail.[jpeg|png]",
  • SuccessMessage: "Thank you!",
  • InvoiceCallback: "https://[YOUR_DOMAIN].com/invoice/" - this is the endpoint that will create the invoice
  • AddressServerPort: 9990 - the port your reverse proxy points to
  • Nostr: { "names": {...}, "relays": {...} } - See for details.
  • Notificators: [ { "Type": "mail", "Target": "[email protected]", "MinAmount": 1000, "Params": { "From": "[email protected]", "SmtpServer": "", "Login": "[email protected]", "Password": "somerandompassword" } } ]


$GOBIN/go-host-lnaddr --config /path/to/config.json


This stuff is experimental. I appreciate your comments and if you have questions please raise an issue. I just recently setup my own address this way so feel free to send me some sats if you think this has been helpful to you.

[email protected]