Master | Release |
Welcome to the C# extension for Visual Studio Code! This extension provides the following features inside VS Code:
- Lightweight development tools for .NET Core.
- Great C# editing support, including Syntax Highlighting, IntelliSense, Go to Definition, Find All References, etc.
- Debugging support for .NET Core (CoreCLR). NOTE: Mono debugging is not supported. Desktop CLR debugging has limited support.
- Support for project.json and csproj projects on Windows, macOS and Linux.
The C# extension is powered by OmniSharp.
The .NET 3.1.40x SDKs require version 16.7 of MSBuild.
For MacOS and Linux users who have Mono installed, this means you will need to set omnisharp.useGlobalMono
to never
until a version of Mono ships with MSBuild 16.7.
The .NET 5 SDK requires version 16.8 of MSBuild.
For Windows users who have Visual Studio installed, this means you will need to be on the latest Visual Studio 16.8 Preview.
For MacOS and Linux users who have Mono installed, this means you will need to set omnisharp.useGlobalMono
to never
until a version of Mono ships with MSBuild 16.8.
- Set meaning of UseGlobalMono "auto" to "never" since Mono 6.12.0 still ships with MSBuild 16.7 (PR: #4130)
- Ensure that the rename identifier and run code action providers do not apply changes twice (PR: #4133)
- Do not send file changed events for .cs files (PR: #4141)
- Update Razor to 6.0.0-alpha1.20521.3:
- Improvements to HTML colorization for non-C# portions of the document.
- Bug fix - the
option is honored again
- Use incremental changes to update language server (PR: #4088)
- Set meaning of UseGlobalMono "auto" to "always" now that Mono 6.12.0 ships with MSBuild 16.8 (PR: #4115)
- Updated OmniSharp to 1.37.3
- Fixed a bug when the server wouldn't start on MacOS/Linux when a username contained a space (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1979)
- Update to Mono 6.12.0 (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1981)
- Fix responsiveness regression with targeted DiagnosticWorker revert (omnisharp-roslyn/#1982, omnisharp-roslyn/#1983, PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1984)
- Fix ps call for Alpine images (#4023, PR: #4097)
- Support TextEdit in completion responses (PR: @4073)
- Updated Razor support
- Updated OmniSharp version (should improve stability) dotnet/aspnetcore-tooling#20320
- Corrected positioning for
for components added by light bulb. dotnet/aspnetcore-tooling#25019 - Mixed HTML & C# Razor formatting support (dotnet/aspnetcore-tooling#25470) / (dotnet/aspnetcore-tooling#14271)
- Add using for C# Type light bulb (dotnet/aspnetcore-tooling#18173)
- Fully qualify C# Type light bulb (dotnet/aspnetcore-tooling#24778)
- Added support for engine logging on .NET process for Blazor WASM apps (OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode#4070)
- Fixed bug in clean-up of Blazor WASM debugging session (OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode#4056)
- Debugger Features:
- Add support for Function Breakpoints (#295)
- Debugger Fixes:
- Update OmniSharp to 1.37.2 (PR: #4107)
- Updated MSBuild, MSBuild resolvers and Roslyn to match .NET Core 5.0 RC2 and VS 16.8 Preview 4. (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1971, PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1974)
- Decouple FixAll from the workspace (omnisharp-roslyn/#1960, PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1962)
- Added binding redirects for Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features and Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1964)
- Always log error responses with error level (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1963)
- Added support for override property completion. Warning: contains breaking change, as
was removed from the response, please useTextEdit
instead (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1957) - Correctly handle that don't produce references (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1956)
- Marked
endpoint as obsolete - the clients should be switching to/completion
(PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1951) - Fixed escapes in regex completions (omnisharp-roslyn/#1949, PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1950)
- Fixed completion on part of existing string (omnisharp-vscode#4063, PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1941)
- Fixed LSP completion item kinds (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1940)
- Added support for textDocument/implementation in LSP mode (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1970)
- Fixed namespace icon in completion response (omnisharp-vscode#4051, PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1936)
- Improved performance of find implementations (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1935)
- Add support for new quick info endpoint when working with Cake (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1945)
- Add support for new completion endpoints when working with Cake (omnisharp-roslyn/#1939, PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1944)
- When an analyzer fails to load, log an error (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1972)
- Added support for 'extract base class' (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1969)
- OmniSharp.Path can only be set in user settings (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1946)
- Add support for code actions besides ApplyChangesOperation's (PR: omnisharp-roslyn/#1724)
- Ensure that all quickinfo sections have linebreaks between them, and don't add unecessary duplicate linebreaks (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1900)
- Support completion of unimported types (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1896)
- Exclude Misc project from InternalsVisibleTo completion (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1902)
- Ensure unimported things are sorted after imported things (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1903)
- Correctly handle multiple reference aliases (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1905)
- Better handle completion when the display text is not in the final result (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1908)
- Correctly mark hover markup content as markdown (omnisharp-roslyn#1906, PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1909)
- Upgrade lsp (omnisharp-roslyn#1898, PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1911)
- Updated to ILSpy (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1913)
- Updated to NET 5.0 preview8 (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1916)
- Add HTTP Driver back to build.json (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1918)
- Updated the docs to mention .NET 4.7.2 targeting pack (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1922)
- Support for configurations remapping in solution files (omnisharp-roslyn#1828, PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1835)
- Only run dotnet --info once for the working directory (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1925)
- Update build tool versions for NET 5 RC1 (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1926)
- Update Roslyn to 3.8.0-3.20451.2 (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1927)
- Clean up Blazor WebAssembly notifications (PR: #4018)
- Remove proposed api attribute (PR: #4029)
- New completion service including override and unimported type completion (
) (PR: #3986)
- Register FixAll commands for disposal (#3984, PR: #3985)
- Register FixAll commands for disposal (#3984, PR: #3985)
- Include version matched target files with minimal MSBuild (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1895)
- Fix lack of trailing italics in quickinfo (PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1894)
- Set meaning of UseGlobalMono "auto" to "never" until Mono updates their MSBuild (PR: #3998)
- Updated Razor support
- Fully qualify component light bulb (dotnet/aspnetcore-tooling#22309)
- Add using for component light bulb (dotnet/aspnetcore-tooling#22308)
- Create component from tag light bulb (dotnet/aspnetcore-tooling#22307)
- Go to definition on Blazor components (dotnet/aspnetcore-tooling#17044)
- Rename Blazor components (dotnet/aspnetcore-tooling#22312)
- Prepare Blazor debugging to have better support for "Start without debugging" scenarios (dotnet/aspnetcore-tooling#24623)
To enable emmet support, add the following to your settings.json:
"emmet.includeLanguages": {
"aspnetcorerazor": "html"
The C# semantic highlighting support is in preview. To enable, set editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled
and csharp.semanticHighlighting.enabled
to true
in your settings. Semantic highlighting is only provided for code files that are part of the active project.
To really see the difference, try the new Visual Studio 2019 Light and Dark themes with semantic colors that closely match Visual Studio 2019.
Currently, the C# debugger officially supports the following operating systems:
- X64 operating systems:
- Windows 7 SP1 and newer
- macOS 10.12 (Sierra) and newer
- Linux: see .NET Core documentation for the list of supported distributions. Note that other Linux distributions will likely work as well as long as they include glibc and OpenSSL.
- ARM operating systems:
- Linux is supported as a remote debugging target
- X64 operating systems:
To file a new issue to include all the related config information directly from vscode by entering the command pallette with Ctrl+Shift+P
(Cmd+Shift+P on macOS) and running CSharp: Report an issue
command. This will open a browser window with all the necessary information related to the installed extensions, dotnet version, mono version, etc. Enter all the remaining information and hit submit. More information can be found on the wiki.
Alternatively you could visit and file a new one.
First install:
- Node.js (8.11.1 or later)
- Npm (5.6.0 or later)
To run and develop do the following:
- Run
npm i
- Run
npm run compile
- Open in Visual Studio Code (
code .
) - Optional: run
npm run watch
, make code changes - Press F5 to debug
To test do the following: npm run test
or F5 in VS Code with the "Launch Tests" debug configuration.
Copyright © .NET Foundation, and contributors.
The Microsoft C# extension is subject to these license terms. The source code to this extension is available on and licensed under the MIT license.
This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community. For more information see the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct.
By signing the CLA, the community is free to use your contribution to .NET Foundation projects.
This project is supported by the .NET Foundation.