A wrapper around put.io api v2 which allows you to access all your files and transfers.
gem install putio-rb
First, you'll need to generate an access token, please see the documentation.
require 'putio-rb'
Putio.configure do |config|
config.access_token = 'SECRET TOKEN' # mandatory
config.api_endpoint = 'https://foo.bar'
config.api_version = 'v1'
config.user_agent = 'kthxbye'
# list all files
# also aliased as files
# list files in directory 123
client.files(options: { parent_id: 123 })
# search a file
client.search query: 'foo'
# complex search
client.search(query: 'jazz', options: { from: 'me,jack', ext: 'mp4', time: 'today' })
# find a file
client.file id: 123
# delete files 123 and 345
client.delete_files(123, 345)
# list all transfers
# also aliased as transfers
- list files
- search files
- upload file
- create folder
- get file
- delete file
- rename file
- move file
- convert file to mp4
- get mp4 status
- download
- zip & download
- subtitles
- download subtitles
- list transfers
- add transfer
- get transfer
- retry transfer
- cancel transfer
- clean transfers
- list friends
- friend requests
- send request
- deny request
- info
- settings