The goal of iSEEhub
is to provide an interface to the Bioconductor
directly within an iSEE
The main functionality of this package is to define a custom landing page allowing users to browse the Bioconductor ExperimentHub and directly load objects into an iSEE web-application.
Get the latest stable R
release from
CRAN. Then install iSEEhub
Bioconductor using the following code:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {
And the development version from GitHub with:
This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:
#> Warning: package 'BiocGenerics' was built under R version 4.2.1
#> Warning: package 'GenomeInfoDb' was built under R version 4.2.1
ehub <- ExperimentHub()
app <- iSEEhub(ehub)
if (interactive()) {
shiny::runApp(app, port = 1234)
Below is the citation output from using citation('iSEEhub')
in R.
Please run this yourself to check for any updates on how to cite
print(citation('iSEEhub'), bibtex = TRUE)
#> kevinrue (2022). _Demonstration of a Bioconductor Package_. doi:
#> 10.18129/B9.bioc.iSEEExperimentHub (URL:
#> - R
#> package version 0.99.0, <URL:
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#> @Manual{,
#> title = {Demonstration of a Bioconductor Package},
#> author = {{kevinrue}},
#> year = {2022},
#> url = {},
#> note = { - R package version 0.99.0},
#> doi = {10.18129/B9.bioc.iSEEExperimentHub},
#> }
#> kevinrue (2022). "Demonstration of a Bioconductor Package." _bioRxiv_.
#> doi: 10.1101/TODO (URL:, <URL:
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#> @Article{,
#> title = {Demonstration of a Bioconductor Package},
#> author = {{kevinrue}},
#> year = {2022},
#> journal = {bioRxiv},
#> doi = {10.1101/TODO},
#> url = {},
#> }
Please note that the iSEEhub
was only made possible thanks to many
other R and bioinformatics software authors, which are cited either in
the vignettes and/or the paper(s) describing this package.
Please note that the iSEEhub
project is released with a Contributor
Code of Conduct. By
contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
- Continuous code testing is possible thanks to GitHub actions through usethis, remotes, and rcmdcheck customized to use Bioconductor’s docker containers and BiocCheck.
- Code coverage assessment is possible thanks to codecov and covr.
- The documentation website is automatically updated thanks to pkgdown.
- The code is styled automatically thanks to styler.
- The documentation is formatted thanks to devtools and roxygen2.
For more details, check the dev
This package was developed using biocthis.
Please note that the iSEEhub project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.