Releases: insysbio/LikelihoodProfiler.jl
Releases · insysbio/LikelihoodProfiler.jl
Version 0.5.2
LikelihoodProfiler v0.5.1
Merged pull requests:
- Fix typos in src (#8) (@pitmonticone)
Closed issues:
Version 0.5.0
- support of scales in
- use
as a synonym of:direct
- julia 1.7 compatibility
- progress info
argument inget_right_endpoint
method forEndpoint
- add support of :FAILURE return code
LikelihoodProfiler v0.4.0
Version 0.3.1
- add case: PK model with saturation
- handling errors in loss function
- fix bug in constraint for :CICO
- repository structure: add manifest file
- add new tests
- documentation updates
Version 0.3.0
- add case: PK model with saturation
- handling errors in loss function
- fix bug in constraint for :CICO
- repository structure: add manifest file
- add new tests
- documentation updates
Precompilation new tests
The release contains the following changes:
- added tests for plot and adpted grid
- adapted_grid2 file removed
- precompilation added
- minor changes to tests
First release with new API and documentation
This is the first release of LikelihoodProfiler with sufficient functionality to detect parameters identifiability, estimate confidence intervals and plot parameter profiles
Experimental release for ASCPT2018 conf
The first release of LikelihoodProfiler Julia package.
- :ONE_PATH method for estimation of confidence intervals. Based on CICO approach, see documentation
- :D2D_PLE method for estimation of confidence intervals. Uses rewritten derivation free method from d2d, see documentation.
- optional transformation to :log space for particular parameters for :ONE_PATH method
- unit tests for test cases series
- params_plot function for preparation smooth curve based on modified adapted_grid from