Mininet-WiFi is a fork of Mininet ( which allows the using of both WiFi Stations and Access Points. Mininet-WiFi only add wifi features and you can work with it like you were working with Mininet.
- You can use any wireless network tools (e.g. iw, iwconfig, wpa_supplicant, etc)
- Please consider computer network troubleshooting steps to solve issues before making questions in the mailing list (e.g. is the station associated with ap? Is the OpenFlow rule working correctly? etc)
- Do you need help? Be careful with questions in the mailing list and please providing as much information you can.!forum/mininet-wifi-discuss
Please, let us know if you are doing research with Mininet-WiFi. A list of citations on Mininet-WiFi is available here.
We highly recommend using Ubuntu version 16.04 or higher. Some new hostapd features might not work on Ubuntu 14.04.
step 1: $ sudo apt-get install git
step 2: $ git clone
step 3: $ cd mininet-wifi
step 4: $ sudo util/ -Wlnfv
-W: wireless dependencies
-n: mininet-wifi dependencies
-f: OpenFlow
-v: OpenvSwitch
-l: wmediumd
-P: P4 dependencies
-6: wpan tools
This is recommended if you are using a different linux distribution from the ones supported by the installation script.
If you prefer to use Mininet-WiFi with Docker you should follow the steps described below:
Building the docker image:
docker build -t mn-wifi:v1 .
Running the container: Mininet-WiFi relies on Kernel modules from the host, requires elevated privilege, and the host network interface:
docker run -it --rm --privileged --env="DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw --net host -v /sys/:/sys -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules -v /sys/kernel/debug:/sys/kernel/debug -v /var/run/netns:/var/run/netns mn-wifi:v1
I'm a beginner, I do not know Python and I would like to create a customized topology with a GUI. In this case, MiniEdit can serve as support since it provides a GUI to generate Python scripts.
For instructions about easier development check this helper file.
For your convenience, we provide pre-built VM images including Mininet-WiFi and other useful software. The VM images are in .ova format and should be usable with any modern x64 virtualization system.
[4.6GB Size] - Lubuntu 20.04 x64 - Mininet-WiFi (pass: wifi)
Mininet-WiFi should work fine in any Ubuntu distribution from 14.04, but in some cases (only if you have problems when start it) you have to stop Network Manager with either sudo systemctl stop network-manager
or sudo service network-manager stop
We are glad to announce that the Mininet-WiFi book has been published!
Here is the pointer to the book:
Printed and e-Book version: - Available in English and Portuguese
Github repository with all use cases presented in the book:
Ramon dos Reis Fontes ([email protected])
Christian Rodolfo Esteve Rothenberg ([email protected])
We are members of INTRIG (Information & Networking Technologies Research & Innovation Group) at University of Campinas - Unicamp, SP, Brazil.