Releases: italia/iam-proxy-italia
Release notes
EUDI Wallet RP backend integration @peppelinux (#74)
Updated spid metadata and target_based_routing.yaml @MdreW (#100)
86 typo error for ficep routing and metadata update @MdreW (#87)
This release has removed the apply conf, the environment variables are used and properly processed using docker-compose.
The documentation and the README was improved.
Bootstrap italia template in the static templates was update and the discovery page revamped.
The python uwsgi examples was replaced entirely with a docker-only approach, and the external volumes are not used anymore but just. simpler, a local volume mountpoint.
This is a Release Candidate that looks for tests and feedbacks.
Release notes
- fix: Python env var with alpine3.16 @MurruAlessio (#76)
Release notes
- Docker image alpine linux updated
Release notes
- pplnx forks enabled again and updated to the last pysaml2 and satosa versions, due to a problem with xml nspairs fc19706
- fix: satosa-oidcop example conf with idpy-oidc v2.1.0 (pkce module moved from oidc to oauth submodule) d30a35a
- BREAKING CHANGE: in proxy.conf UNKNOWN_ERROR_REDIRECT_URL renamed to ERROR_URL since satosa-8.4.0 has implemented this feature in its mainline d09e1ff
- fix: removed py38 from the CI py Matrix, due to pysaml2 drop
Release notes
- New docker image, dockerfile and cie integration (#55)
Thanks to @MdreW and @scolagreco and the IDEM GARR Community!
Release notes
- Enable eIDAS login with ficep node @MdreW (#47)
- Aggiornamento certificato Tim avviso AGID del 16/11/2021 @MdreW (#46)
- Syslog example for Satosa logs @MdreW (#45)
- Update requirements.txt @francesco-filicetti (#44)
What's Changed
- Update requirements.txt by @francesco-filicetti in #44
- Syslog example for Satosa logs by @MdreW in #45
- Aggiornamento certificato Tim avviso AGID del 16/11/2021 by @MdreW in #46
- Enable eIDAS login with ficep node by @MdreW in #47
New Contributors
- @francesco-filicetti made their first contribution in #44
Full Changelog: v0.7.4...v0.8.0