Releases: italia/iam-proxy-italia
Releases · italia/iam-proxy-italia
Release notes
- identity python OIDCop frontend modules @peppelinux (#43)
- some little fix @MdreW (#42)
Release notes
- remove brython js and clean page @MdreW (#41)
- Minor bugfix @MdreW (#39)
- Fixed config files path @MdreW (#35)
- Fixed repository url in readme @MdreW (#32)
- DiscoPage html with SPID usage text @peppelinux (#30)
- chore: massive code linting @peppelinux (#29)
- chore: README - cleanup and improvements
- fix: 403 status code when a Spid validation error happens (fix: 403 status code when a Spid validation error happens)
- fix: Added SPID and AGID logos, fix #37 (@MdreW )
- fix: reindent templates, removed unclosed p tag, fix #38 (@MdreW )
- fix: Updated MarkupSafe, fix #33 (@MdreW )
- chore: removed js from the page, removed brython requirment. (@MdreW )
- feat: feat: added ACR comparison value in spid backend configuration (2d6c4fa)
- fix: django example sp requirements with Django>=4.0
Release notes
- feat:djangosaml2 example sp and a complete gh action CI @peppelinux (#28)
- chore: pyFF example project revamped
- fix: several bugs fixed 9320f6a
- fix: 403 status code when a Spid validation error happens
- feat: spid-sp-test metadata, authn request and response checks in CI (all passes)
- chore: README spid-saml-check eID update
- chore: SATOSA pplnx fork update
- BREAKAGE: DecideBackendByTarget microservice now is in SATOSA master branch but in a quite different manner, see example/plugins/microservices
- fix: spid_validator on Response 62 enabled
- fix: attributes-maps had a value collission on FamilyName
@MdreW on html teampltes and statics
- updated to bootstrat_italia v1.4.3
- relative path for image
- fix icon link
- fix svg, icon reindent page
- reindent page
- Added Lora fonts for error page
- fix svg link
- fix favicon link
- added validation
- fix vaildation from spid-django
- Merge branch 'italia:master' into master
Several improvements in html templates and spid validation:
- fix: spid validator tests 94, 95, 96 and 97
- fix: html template statics
- chore: metadata contact person spid extensions moved to a specialized method
- chore: metadata code cleanup
- chore: flexible attribute mapping in example project
- fix: internal attribute mapping, email
- fix: SAML2 SLO disabled
- chore: spidSaml2 backend - template loader moved to backend constructor
- feat: metadata builder - soggetti aggregatori
- chore: README - general updates and cleanup
- feat: pySAML2 and SATOSA dependencies updated
- feat: SPID AgID template for specialized errors
- fix: general spidSaml2 backend refactor and error handler (logger)
- updated dependencies
- nginx/uwsgi examples
- dependencies updates
- some additional resource in README
- spidSaml2 backend update with new context from DecideBackendbyTarget Microservice