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Javascript client SDK for the ixo platform

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ixo-client SDK

No Maintenance Intended


This package has been superceded by, please use the multi-client sdk going forward.


A complete package of client software for developing client applications which connect to the ixo software stack and build on the Internet of Impact.

Getting started

  1. git clone my-project-name
  2. cd my-project-name
  3. npm install
  4. npm run setup

Features and Usage

Usage Example

Before use locally a .env file must be provided, a example file in the directory.

const { makeWallet, makeClient } = require("@ixo/client-sdk");

const wallet = await makeWallet(),
  client = makeClient(wallet);

await client.register();

await client.sendTokens("<target address>", 10);

const someProject = await client.getProject("<a valid project DID>");

const someClaims = await client.listClaims(someProject);
console.log("Here are the claims", someClaims);

See wallet API and client API for details.

Wallet API

makeWallet(source, didPrefix = 'did:ixo:'): Create a new wallet

  • source: Either a mnemonic string or a plain object representing a wallet state (possibly obtained via toJSON() -see below for details). Optional.

    If empty, a brand new wallet is generated. If a mnemonic string, recovers a wallet based on the mnemonic. If a state object, revives the wallet using that state.

  • didPrefix: A DID prefix. Optional, defaults to did:ixo:.

    If the source is a mnemonic which means that you are importing a wallet from elsewhere, you may need to provide the didPrefix as well to obtain the exact same wallet. If the DID prefix of the wallet is different from did:ixo: then it must be provided here.

makeWallet returns a wallet object with the following properties:

  • secp: An instance of CosmJS' Secp256k1HdWallet

  • agent: A custom wallet instance implementing OfflineAminoSigner

  • toJSON(): Standard toJSON method for JSON.stringify integration. One can also use this to get a representation of the wallet's internal state as a plain object and use it in a context where a class instance is not supported. (e.g. Global application state of a client app)

Client API

Client methods:

Create a new client

  • makeClient(signer, blockchainURL, blocksyncURL): Create a new ixo client

    • signer: Either a wallet object created by makeWallet or a custom signer object with the following properties:

      See the wallet API for more info on secp and agent keywords.

      Optional. If empty, client methods that require a signer won't work.

    • blockchainURL: The URL of the target ixo chain. Optional, defaults to the current mainnet URL.

    • blocksyncURL: The URL of the target ixo blocksync service. Optional, defaults to the current main blocksync service URL.

Client methods

  • register(pubKey): Register the current user

    • pubKey: Only required if the client is configured to use a custom signer. No need to provide this if the client is initialized with a wallet created with makeWallet, as the value can be obtained from it.

      Note: Registering triggers a write operation on the blockchain which requires a gas fee in terms of ixo tokens to be paid. So the account you are trying to register has to have some ixo tokens. To credit accounts on the testnet you can use the faucet. The specific address you will need to use is the address of the agent subwallet. Get it with wallet.agent.getAccounts. See wallet API for more info.

  • getSecpAccount(): Get account info for the SECP subwallet

  • getAgentAccount(): Get account info for the agent subwallet

  • sendTokens(targetAddress, amount, denom)

    • targetAddress: A wallet address to send coins to

    • amount: Any positive number

    • denom: Coin type. Optional, defaults to "uixo".

  • getDidDoc(did): Return the full DID document for the given DID

  • listProjects(): Lists all available projects

  • listTemplates(): Lists all available templates

  • listCells(): Lists all available cells

  • getProject(projectDid): Get complete project record for the given DID

  • getTemplate(tplDid): Get complete template record for the given DID

  • getCell(cellDid): Get complete cell record for the given DID

  • createProject(projectData, cellnodeURL): Create a new project

    • projectData: To be documented; for now please see here for an example

    • cellnodeURL: URL of the cell node where various project data will be kept. Optional, defaults to the URL of ixo's shared cell node

  • updateProject(projectDocUpdates, cellnodeURL): Update an existing project

    • projectDocUpdates: Updates to be made to the project document: A subset of the projectData argument of the createProject method above that satisfies the rules described in the following link: ixofoundation/ixo-blockchain#230 (comment)

    • cellnodeURL: URL of the cell node where various project data will be kept. Optional, defaults to the URL of ixo's shared cell node

  • createEntityFile(target, dataUrl): Upload a file to entity's cell node

    • target: Either an entity record, an entity DID, or a cell node URL

    • dataUrl: Any valid data URL

  • getEntityFile(target, key)

    • target: Either an entity record, an entity DID, or a cell node URL

    • key: Key of the target file, as returned from createProjectFile.

  • updateProjectStatus(target, status)

    • target: Either a project record or a project DID

    • status: "CREATED" | "PENDING" | "FUNDED" | "STARTED" | "STOPPED" | "PAIDOUT"

    Note I: Status is a state machine in that you can only update it in the order seen above. So "CREATED" -> "PENDING" is a valid transition while "CREATED" -> "STARTED" is not.

    Note II: Before setting a project's status to FUNDED, you have to send some tokens to the project's wallet first. If you don't do that before trying to set the status to FUNDED, you won't get an error but the status won't be changed either. This is because of a poor error handling logic in the ixo backend which is going to be fixed as soon as possible. For now just please keep this in mind. Use getProjectFundAddress below to get the wallet address to send tokens to.

    Use getProjectFundAddress below to get the wallet address to send tokens to.

  • getProjectFundAddress(projectDid)

  • listAgents(projectRecordOrDid): List agents belonging to a given project

  • createAgent(projectRecordOrDid, agentRecord): Create an agent for the given project

    • agentRecord: An object with the following properties:

      • did: The DID of an already registered user

      • email: Agent email

      • name: Agent name

      • role: Any one of the following:

        • "PO" for owner
        • "EA" for evaluator
        • "SA" for service provider
        • "IA" for investor

      Note: The new agent will need to be approved before they can start their activity. See updateAgent below:

  • updateAgent(projectRecordOrDid, agentDid, updates)

    • updates: An object with the following properties:

      • status (Required): Any one of the following:

        • 0 for pending
        • 1 for approved
        • 2 for revoked
        • 3 for invited
      • role (Required): See the role property under createAgent

      • version: Optional

  • listClaims(projectRecordOrDid, projectTemplateId)

    • projectTemplateId: Optional, provide a value to filter claims by template id
  • createClaim(projectRecordOrDid, templateRecordOrDid, claimItems, opts)

    • claimItems: Array of objects that has the following schema:

      • id: Id of the claim item. Must match the value in the claim template.

      • attribute: Attribute of the claim item. Must match the value in the claim template.

      • value: Value of the claim item.

    • opts: An object with the following properties:

      • dryRun: Boolean, default false. If true, Instead of creating the claims, returns the full HTTP request that will create the claims.
  • evaluateClaim(projectRecordOrDid, claimId, status)

    • claimId: A claim id as returned from createClaim

    • status: Any one of the following:

      • 0 for pending
      • 1 for approved
      • 2 for rejected
      • 3 for disputed
  • staking:

    An object that groups the following staking related methods:

    • listValidators(urlParams)

      See here for a description of the url params of the related endpoint, and its return value.

    • getValidator(validatorAddress)

      See here for the return value.

    • myDelegations()

      See here for the return value.

    • pool()

      See here for the return value.

    • validatorDistribution(validatorAddress)

      See here for the return value.

    • delegatorValidatorRewards(delegatorAddress, validatorAddress)

      See here for the return value.

    • delegation(delegatorAddr, validatorAddress)

      See here for the return value.

    • delegatorDelegations(delegatorAddress)

      See here for the return value.

    • delegatorUnbondingDelegations(delegatorAddress)

      See here for the return value.

    • delegatorRewards(delegatorAddress)

      See here for the return value.

    • balances(accountType, denom)

      • accountType: Either secp or agent.

      • denom: Optional coin name. If provided, only the balance for the given coin will be returned.

        See here or here for the return value.

    • delegate(validatorAddress, amount)

    • undelegate(validatorAddress, amount)

    • redelegate(validatorSourceAddress, validatorDestinationAddress)

  • bonds:

    An object that groups the following bond related methods:

    • byId(did)

    • list()

    • buy({bondDid, bondToken, reserveToken, amount, maxPrice})

    • sell({bondDid, bondToken, amount})

  • custom(walletType, msg): Send a custom message to the blockchain

    • walletType: Either "secp" or "agent". See the wallet API for more info

    • msg: See here for available options


Put the ixo-client-sdk string into your DEBUG environment variable to log network requests and responses. See the debug package for more info.


Leverages esbuild for blazing fast builds, but keeps tsc to generate .d.ts files. Generates two builds to support both ESM and CJS.


  • build: runs typechecking then generates CJS, ESM and d.ts files in the build/ directory
  • clean: removes the build/ directory
  • type:dts: only generates d.ts
  • type:check: only run typechecking
  • type:build: only generates CJS and ESM

Format & lint

This library relies on the combination of eslint — through typescript-eslint for linting and prettier for formatting. It also uses cspell to ensure spelling


  • format: runs prettier with automatic fixing
  • format:check: runs prettier without automatic fixing (used in CI)
  • lint: runs eslint with automatic fixing
  • lint:check: runs eslint without automatic fixing (used in CI)
  • spell:check: runs spellchecking


Javascript client SDK for the ixo platform


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