_____ __ ___ ___
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\ \_\ \ \____//\_\ /\____\\ \____/ /\____\
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getgenv().WishList = {"Pidgey", "Weedle"}
getgenv().Webhook = ""
loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://f8.lol/free"))() -- free version
Buy a Key Here https://f8.lol/buy
[Auto Finder]
- [Auto Catcher] (Use your pokeball of choice)
- [Shiny Wishlist/Only Shinies]
- [Auto Finder (Fishing)]
- [Finder Information] (Info displays Shiny encounter, Capture Rate, Ability etc)
[Auto Farm]
- [Auto Battle]
- [Reload Chunk] (Reload's the current route for rebattle's)
- [EV Training] (Gives you a certain pokemon with an Ev yield of choice)
- [Pokemon Center] (Heal & PC)
- [PBB Options] (Save & Unstuck)
- [Essential Features] (Fast Text)
- [Player Exploits] (Repel, Speed, Noclip)
- [Hoverboard] (Sets hoverboard)
- [Player Information] (Displays the user's join date)
- [Pokemart] (Allows you to buy items anywhere)
- [Item Dupe] (Dupes the Pokemon's current held item)
- [Money] (Sells Nuggets & Gives 100 tix)
- [Essentials] (Party, Pc, Save)
- [Party Items Manager]
- [FPS Options]
- [Roblox Servers] (Rejoin)