March 1 2015 This library is now deprecated and you should move to:
This library will no longer be updated and all futher updates will the Settings Plugin for Xamarin and Windows
Cross platform settings plug-in for MvvmCross that allows you to store and use shared preferences in your core project.
Uses the native settings management
- Android: SharedPreferences
- iOS: NSUserDefaults
- Windows Phone: IsolatedStorageSettings
- Windows Store: ApplicationDataContainer
- Included currently is a iOS Touch sample app and a core solution under the "Test" folder.
#Setup & Usage
- Now available on NuGet:
Manually (Dlls are all in Binaries folder):
Add Refractored.MvxPlugins.Settings.dll to all projects
Add Refractored.MvxPlugins.Settings.ClientName.dll to all clients
Or go ahead and just all all projects in and reference them
Create a new file in your Core solution called Settings.cs (or whatever you would like)
This is a static class that can be used in your core or clients to get/set settings
Fill in setup code
Add in settings
See the sample project for details.
- Want yours on the list? Open an issue :)
*Install Ruby *Cd to solution directory root with cygwin (git bash will work fine)
- run the following commands
gem install rake
gem install bundle
Now type rake -T this will show you the rake tasks available. Rake preflight downloads nugetpackages and builds (most common to use)
- Sample Android App
- Sample Windows Phone App
- Sample Windows Store App
- jamesmontemagno
- Originally a ceton project that has been transfered to me.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0