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A set of PowerShell 7 commands that use the BlueSky API. You can skeet and upload images from a PowerShell prompt as well as view your feed and timeline.


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This module is a set of PowerShell functions designed to let you interact with the Bluesky API from a PowerShell session. Technically, the module commands are wrappers around the AT protocol. The module is written for PowerShell 7, although it might work as written in Windows PowerShell with minimal changes if you wish to fork the GitHub repository. Commands have not been thoroughly tested for cross-platform compatibility, so please post an Issue if you encounter a problem.

The commands in this module are not intended to provide complete coverage of the Bluesky API or user experience. Instead, the module focuses on the most common tasks you might want to do with Bluesky from a PowerShell prompt.

For best results, you should run this module in a PowerShell console that supports emojis and ANSI formatting like Windows Terminal.


You can install the module from the PowerShell Gallery.

Install-Module -Name PSBluesky

Or using Install-PSResource from the Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet module.

Install-PSResource -Name PSBluesky -Repository PSGallery -TrustRepository

You might want to also install the following or related modules to securely store your Bluesky credentials:

Module Information

After installing this module, you should end up with these PSBluesky commands:

Add-BskyImage Block-BskyUser Disable-BskyLogging
Enable-BskyLogging Export-BskyPreference Find-BskyUser
Get-BskyAccountDID Get-BskyBlockedList Get-BskyBlockedUser
Get-BskyFeed Get-BskyFollowers Get-BskyFollowing
Get-BskyLiked Get-BskyLogging Get-BskyModuleInfo
Get-BskyNotification Get-BskyPreference Get-BskyProfile
Get-BskySession Get-BskyTimeline New-BskyFollow
New-BskyPost Open-BskyHelp Publish-BskyPost
Remove-BskyFollow Remove-BskyLogging Remove-BskyPreferenceFile
Set-BskyLogging Set-BskyPreference Start-BSkySession
Unblock-BskyUser Update-BskySession


After importing the module you can run Open-BskyHelp which will open a PDF version of this document in the default application associated with PDF files. Note that not all emojis will render properly in the PDF. Or you can use the -AsMarkdown parameter to read this file using markdown formatting. Not all Markdown features may properly render in the console.


You can use Get-BskyModuleInfo to get a summary of the module. The default output includes clickable links to online command help and the module's GitHub repository.

PS C:\> Get-BskyModuleInfo

   Module: PSBlueSky [v2.4.0]

Name                      Alias               Synopsis
----                      -----               --------
Add-BskyImage                                 Upload an image to Bluesky.
Block-BskyUser                                Block a Bluesky user account.
Disable-BskyLogging                           Disable BlueSky API logging.
Enable-BskyLogging                            Enable BlueSky API logging.
Export-BskyPreference                         Export your PSBlueSky format...
Find-BskyUser             bsu                 Search for Bluesky user accou...
Get-BskyAccountDID                            Resolve a Bluesky account nam...
Get-BskyBlockedList       bsblocklist         Get your subscribed blocked l...
Get-BskyBlockedUser       bsblock             Get your blocked accounts.
Get-BskyFeed              bsfeed              Get your Bluesky feed.
Get-BskyFollowers         bsfollower          Get your Bluesky followers
Get-BskyFollowing         bsfollow            Get a list of Bluesky accounts...
Get-BskyLiked             bsliked             Get your liked Bluesky posts.
Get-BskyLogging                               Getting the current PSBlueSky ...
Get-BskyModuleInfo                            Get a summary of the PSBlueSky...
Get-BskyNotification      bsn                 Get Bluesky notifications.
Get-BskyPreference                            Get PSBlueSky formatting prefe...
Get-BskyProfile           bsp                 Get a Bluesky profile.
Get-BskySession           bss                 Show your current Bluesky session.
Get-BskyTimeline          bst                 Get your Bluesky timeline.
New-BskyFollow            Follow-BskyUser     Follow a Bluesky user.
New-BskyPost              skeet               Create a Bluesky post.
Open-BskyHelp             bshelp              Open the PSBluesky help document.
Publish-BskyPost          Repost-BskyPost     Repost or quote a Bluesky post.
Remove-BskyFollow         Unfollow-BskyUser   Unfollow a Bluesky user.
Remove-BskyPreferenceFile                     Delete the user’s PSBlueSky pre...
Set-BskyLogging                               Configure PSBlueSky API logging.
Set-BskyPreference                            Set a PSBlueSky formatting pref...
Start-BSkySession                             Start a new Bluesky session.
Unblock-BskyUser                              Unblock a Bluesky user account.
Update-BskySession        Refresh-BskySession Refresh the Bluesky session token.

The output will include clickable links to the online help for each command.


Session and Tokens

πŸͺ™ In order to send data, you must authenticate. Version 2.0.0 of this module introduced a new session model. After you import the module, you must run Start-BskySession to initialize the module and setup module-scoped variables.

Start-BskySession -credential $cred

The credential must be a PSCredential object representing your Bluesky username (handle) and password. (See below)

This command will create a hidden session object that will be called from other module commands to get the necessary authentication token for the Invoke-ResetMethod header. The access token has a limited lifetime unless it is refreshed. Beginning with version 2.4.0, the module will refresh the token every 60 minutes through a background runspace using a synchronized hashtable. If you remove the module, the runspace will be removed as well.

Run Get-BskySession to see your current session information.

PS C:\> Get-BskySession


Active AccessToken             RefreshToken            Age
------ -----------             ------------            ---
True   eyJ0eXAiOiJhdCtqd3Qi... eyJ0eXAiOiJyZWZyZXNo... 00:05:41.5115796

If you want to manually test the Bluesky API in your own code, you can use the access and refresh token properties from this object.

PS C:\> $bskySession = Get-BskySession
PS C:\> $access = $bskySession.AccessToken
PS C:\> $refresh = $bskySession.RefreshToken

However, it is still possible you will encounter an expired token error message. If you do, you can run Update-BskySession to refresh the token.

Get-BSkySession | Update-BskySession

If this also fails, remove the module, re-import and start a new Bluesky session, including re-running Start-BskySession.

Credentials πŸ›‚

You will need to create a PSCredential object with your Bluesky username and password. The username is case-sensitive. For automation purposes, you can use the Secrets management module to store your credential. Write your own code to retrieve the credential and pass it to the module commands.

You might want to use PSDefaultParameterValues to set the credential for all commands.

$PSDefaultParameterValues['*-Bsky*:Credential'] = $BlueskyCredential

You should only need this credential for Start-BskySession.

This module does not support 2FA. You must use an app password.

App Passwords πŸ”‘

While this module does not use your credential object for anything other than establishing a Bluesky session, you may elect to take a more secure approach and use an app password. This password can be revoked at any time without affecting your main account password. Follow these steps if you want to use an app password with this module.

In the Bluesky app, go to your profile and select Settings. Then select App Passwords.

Bluesky app passwords

You will need to create a new app password. Give it a meaningful name.

Bluesky creating an app password

Click the button to create the app password.

Bluesky app password

You will only see the password once. Copy the password and save it in a secure location such as a secrets management vault.

Next, you need to create a credential object in PowerShell. The user name will be the DID (decentralized identifier) for your account. The password will be the app password you just created. You can run Get-BskyAccountDID to get your DID. This command does not require authentication.

$did = Get-BskyAccountDID

Now you can create a credential object.

PS C:\> $cred = Get-Credential $did

PowerShell credential request
Enter your credentials.
Password for user did:plc:ohgsqpfsbocaaxusxqlgfvd7:

Enter the app password. You will use this credential object with Start-BskySession. I recommend you save the credential in a secrets management vault and retrieve it when you need to start a Bluesky session.

$cred = Get-Secret -Name PSBlueskyCredential
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*-*Sky*:Credential'] = $cred

You can revoke an app password at any time. If you do, you will need to create a new app password and update your credential object.

❇️ I recommend you use an app password with this module and protect your primary account password. If your Bluesky account is protected with 2FA, you must use an app password with this module.

Rate Limits

The commands in this module use the public Bluesky API which means there are rate limits. If you exceed the rate limit, you will get an error message. You will need to wait until the rate limit resets.

⚠️ There is a rate limit of 300 new sessions per day. This shouldn't be an issue for most people unless you are testing code or running some sort of high-volume automation.

πŸ“§ Posting

Use New-BskyPost, or its alias skeet, to post a message to Bluesky. There are parameters to include an image. If you include an image, the New-BskyPost command will call Add-BskyImage to upload the image. It is strongly recommended that you include ALT text for the image.

$param = @{
    Message   = "Getting close to sharing my #PowerShell Bluesky code."
    ImagePath = "C:\work\MsPowerShell.jpg"
    ImageAlt  = "Ms. PowerShell"
    Verbose   = $true
New-BskyPost @param

The output is a URL to the post.

If your message contains a URL, it will be converted to a clickable link. Make sure your link is surrounded by white space. Beginning with v1.0.0, you can post Markdown style links.

PS C:\> $m = "Testing multiple Markdown style links from my [#PowerShell
PSBluesky module]( which you
can find on the [PowerShell Gallery](
PS C:\> skeet $m

Markdown links in a Bluesky post

This example is using the skeet alias for New-BskyPost.


✍️ You can include emojis in your post, however use with caution. If your post is nothing but text with an emoji or two, you shouldn't encounter any issues. However, if you mix emojis with tags or links, the posted message might not display the tags or links properly. Inserting tags and links requires calculations using the line length. Some emojis may throw off the calculations.

Multi-Line Posts

The command will strip off any Unicode control characters except for a new line. If you would like to create a multi-line post, using a here-string is recommended.

PS C:\> $s= @"
I am amazed that the [PSBluesky](
module has almost 7K downloads. I started throwing things together only three
months ago.

Thank you.

PS C:\> skeet $s -ImagePath C:\scripts\PSBluesky\images\BlueskyLogo-icon.png
-ImageAlt "Bluesky logo"

This example uses the alias skeet for New-BskyPost.

Reposting and Quoting

You can repost or quote a Bluesky post with Publish-BskyPost. You will need the CID and AT Uri (URI) of the post you want to repost or quote. These values should be part of items you can get with commands like Get-BskyFeed or Get-BskyTimeline.

PS C:\> Get-BskyTimeline -Limit 1 | Select-Object *

Author        :
AuthorDisplay : Joey D’Antoni
Date          : 1/9/2025 12:11:13 PM
Text          : I would likely denormalize the data a little bit, and
                have a non-vector table with ref. data like date that
                you could filter on, before doing the heavier lifting
                of the vector query. Almost like a fact/dim join in a
                DW. cc
       for a better example
Liked         : 0
Reposted      : 0
Quoted        : 0
URL           :
URI           : at://did:plc:3dvxs53kzjez5oxcbucfsacf/
CID           : bafyreih7yplygqrno2n3n5mhqs35fbwqovxsvc6xrictt4afzgnwrt7

The easiest way to repost or quote a post is to pipe the object to Publish-BskyPost.

Reposting a Bluesky post

This example assumes that $tl is an array of objects from Get-BskyTimeline. If you don't specify a quote, the command will repost the original message. If you do specify a quote, the command will quote the original message.

$f[-4] | Publish-BskyPost -Quote "Testing quoting with a PSBluesky command"

The command has an alias of Repost-BskyPost. If you include quote text, the post will be a quote, otherwise it will show as a repost from you.


The module has a command to retrieve a Bluesky profile.


The module uses a custom format file.

A Bluesky user profile

The user's profile name should be a clickable link.

The object has been customized with aliases and script properties.

PS C:\> $jeff = Get-BskyProfile
PS C:\> $jeff | Select-Object *

Username    :
Display     : Jeff Hicks
Created     : 5/21/2023 10:44:48 AM
Description : PowerShell Author ~ Learning Architect ~ MVP ✍️
              Prof. PowerShell Emeritus πŸŽ“
              Grizzled and grumpy IT Pro -
              🎼Amateur composer -
              Wine drinker 🍷🐢 and dog lover
Avatar      :
Posts       : 1243
Followers   : 2002
Following   : 416
Lists       : 2
URL         :
DID         : did:plc:ohgsqpfsbocaaxusxqlgfvd7
Viewer      : @{muted=False; blockedBy=False; knownFollowers=}
Labels      :
Name        :
Age         : 618.22:15:32.5068959

Note the the Followers property may not be 100% accurate. This counter may not properly reflect accounts that have stopped following you. The way that Bluesky is handling bot accounts may also affect this count.

πŸ‘« Followers

You can retrieve a list of your followers. You can specify a number of followers between 1 and 100. The default is 50.

Bluesky followers

The custom formatting includes a clickable link to the follower's profile if running in Windows Terminal or a console that supports hyperlinks.

You can pipe the follower object to Get-BskyProfile to retrieve more information.

PS C:\> $f= Get-BskyFollowers
PS C:\> $f[12] | Get-BskyProfile

Jess Pomfret []

Database Engineer with a passion for automation, proper football
and fitness. She/Her.

Created              Posts Followers Following Lists
-------              ----- --------- --------- -----
8/14/2023 3:58:44 PM   125       236       157     1

The default behavior is to retrieve between 1 and 100 followers. Or you can use the -All parameter to retrieve all followers.

πŸ”­ Searching for Users

You can search for Bluesky users with Find-BskyUser. The default behavior is to search for a user by name. The search is case-insensitive.

Find-BskyUser -UserName "jeff h" -Limit 3

The default output includes clickable links to the user's profile. This object too has been customized with aliases and script properties.

PS C:\> Find-BskyUser -UserName "jeff h" -Limit 3 |
Select-Object *Name,Description,Created,Age

DisplayName : Jeff (no, the other one)
UserName    :
Description : When I use a word, Humpty said, it means just what I choose it to
              mean - neither more nor less.

              The question is, said Alice, whether you can make words mean so
              many different things.

              H: The question is which is to be Master β€” that’s all.
Created     : 8/11/2023 6:27:08 AM
Age         : 514.11:04:04.2416645

DisplayName : F-O Loignon
UserName    :
Description : « Un p’tit gosseuxΒ Β» - MBC
              « Une caricature » - H. Buzetti
              « L’osti de tapette communiste wokeΒ Β» - Un pirate

              Je suis pas mal l’amalgame de tout ce que Jeff Fillion haΓ―t :
              prof, artiste, Γ©colo, socialiste, LGBT, fΓ©ministe, antiraciste,
              intello, etc.
Created     : 10/5/2023 8:09:28 PM
Age         : 458.21:21:43.9869033

DisplayName : Jeff H
UserName    :
Description : Division Chief of Pulm, Crit Care and Sleep Med at OSU. Lung
              fibrosis investigator. Cubs. Star Wars, GoT, LoTR, Avengers. Dad,
              husband, son and brother. RT’s do not mean endorsement.
Created     : 11/13/2024 6:53:06 AM
Age         : 54.10:38:05.3790593

The value you specify for the user name will also search the user's description property. This is a handy way of finding users with similar interests.

Find-BskyUser powershell

Find Bluesky users via their description

You can pipe the search results to Get-BskyProfile to retrieve more information.

PS C:\> $p = Find-BskyUser powershell -Limit 10
PS C:\> $p | Get-BskyProfile

Chrissy LeMaire []

Dual Microsoft MVP, GitHub Star, creator of dbatools, author πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Totally into PowerShell, SQL Server and AI.

πŸ“ North of France

Created               Posts Followers Following Lists
-------               ----- --------- --------- -----
4/24/2023 12:12:00 PM   688      1435       614     0


Likewise, you can get a list of all the accounts you are following.

Bluesky following

As with followers, the default behavior is to retrieve between 1 and 100 accounts you are following. Or you can use the -All parameter to retrieve all accounts you are following.

Starting with version 2.3.0, you can follow and unfollow Bluesky users with New-BskyFollow and Remove-BskyFollow. These commands can also be referenced by their aliases Follow-BskyUser and Unfollow-BskyUser.

To follow, specify the account's user name or handle.

PS C:\> Follow-BskyUser

The output is a clickable link to the followed user's profile.

To unfollow, you can pipe a user object to Remove-BskyFollow

PS C:\> Remove-BskyFollow -WhatIf
What if: Performing the operation "Remove-BskyFollow" on target "".

Or you can pipe a user object to Remove-BskyFollow.

PS C:\> Get-BskyProfile | Remove-BskyFollow -Passthru

cid                                                         rev
---                                                         ---
bafyreibe4a3ewrh2oty2jercit75q42wdnuuip22b3tq6jybwamdz7daq4 3lfnjoouju62k

The followed user will receive a notification when you follow them but not when you unfollow them.

🚫 Blocking

You can block a Bluesky user with Block-BskyUser. You will need the user's user name.

PS C:\> Block-BskyUser -UserName ""

You can also pipe follower or profile objects to the command.

PS C:\> $f[-1] | Block-BskyUser -WhatIf
What if: Performing the operation "Block-BskyUser" on target "
PS C:\> Get-BskyProfile | Block-BskyUser

Use Get-BskyBlockedUser to see a formatted display.

Blocked Bluesky users

To unblock is just as easy.


If you subscribe to any block lists, use Get-BskyBlockedList to see the list.

Get Bluesky blocked list

The formatted output includes hyperlinks.

Feed πŸ“°

Use Get-BskyFeed to retrieve the latest posts from your feed. You can query for 1 to 100. The default output uses a custom format file. The current behavior is to get posts and replies.

Getting your Bluesky feed

The formatted output includes clickable links to the the author, which might be different than you if reposting, and the post. For best results, run PowerShell 7 in Windows Terminal.

Notifications πŸ””

You can retrieve your notifications with Get-BskyNotification. You can specify a limit of 1 to 100. The default is 50.

 Get-BskyNotification -limit 10

The default formatted output includes clickable links to the author and the liked or reposted skeet.

  • πŸ‘ Like
  • ➑️ Follow
  • πŸ”„ Repost
  • ↩️ Reply

Getting your Bluesky notifications

Long account names will be truncated in the formatted output.

Timeline πŸ“†

If you want to view items from your timeline, use the Get-BskyTimeline command.

Getting your Bluesky timeline

You can specify a limit of 1 to 100.The default is 50.

Get-BskyTimeline -Limit 25

The command uses a custom format file. The default formatted output includes clickable links to the author and the post.

API Logging πŸ—„οΈ

Beginning with v2.4.0, you can enable API logging. This will allow you to keep track of what API endpoints you are using. You might want to know this information to gauge your usage against API rate limits. Logging is disabled by default when you import the module.

Run Get-BskyLogging to see the current logging status.

PS C:\> Get-BskyLogging

LoggingEnabled LogFile                                              LogFileSize
-------------- -------                                              -----------
         False C:\Users\Jeff\AppData\Local\Temp\bskyAPILogging.json           0

To enable logging, run Enable-BskyLogging.

PS C:\> Enable-BskyLogging -Passthru | Select LoggingEnabled


When an Bluesky API request is made, it will be logged to a JSON file. When you enable logging, beginning in version 2.5.0, the command will define a global variable, $bskyLogFile which makes it easier to work with the log file.

PS C:\> Get-Content $bskyLogFile | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -last 2

Date     : 1/27/2025 2:45:02 PM
PID      : 31876
Uri      :
Endpoint : com.atproto.repo.createRecord
Name     : createRecord
Command  : New-BskyPost
Host     : ConsoleHost

Date     : 1/27/2025 2:49:51 PM
PID      : 31876
Uri      :
Endpoint :
Name     : getProfile
Command  : Get-BskyProfile
Host     : ConsoleHost

If you see a command like _getPostText or RunspaceRefreshSession, these are private helper functions. Exported module commands follow the verb-noun naming convention.

It should be easier to work with structured data to analyze usage patterns. The default log is in your %TEMP% directory. You can change the log file location Set-BskyLogging.

PS C:\> Set-BskyLogging c:\temp\api.json -WhatIf
What if: Performing the operation "Set-BskyLogging" on target "c:\temp\api.json".

If you set the location, this will also update $bskyLogFile.

You can disable logging with Disable-BskyLogging.

PS C:\> Disable-BskyLogging

If you want to clear the logging file or start over, you can easily delete it.

PS C:\> Remove-BskyLogging -WhatIf
What if: Performing the operation "Remove File" on target "C:\Users\Jeff\

Changes you make to logging will persist for the duration of your PowerShell session. The next time you import the module, the default settings will be used and you will need to re-enable logging and/or change the log file location.

The assumption is that logging is a temporary feature to help you troubleshoot or monitor your API usage and thus logging settings are not stored as module preferences.

Logging information is stored in the BskySession object, but you should use the module functions to manage it.

Ad-Hoc Scripting

You can use the PSBluesky module in ad-hoc scripting projects using the Bluesky API. One common requirement is to provide an authentication header. Since you can use the PSBluesky module to create an authenticated session, you can create a header from this information.

The session object has a script method you can use to create a header.

PS C:\> $headers = (Get-BskySession).CreateHeader()
PS C:\> $headers

Name                           Value
----                           -----
Content-Type                   application/json
Authorization                  Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJhdCtqd...

During your scripting, if you get an error about an expired token, recreate the headers variable.

Say you want to use the actor-get-preferences API. You can define the uri accoriding to the documentation.

$PDSHost = ""
$uri = "$PDSHost/xrpc/"

Then you can use the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet to make the API call.

$r = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers $headers

And then work with results.

PS C:\> $r.preferences

hideReplies             : False
hideRepliesByUnfollowed : False
hideRepliesByLikeCount  : 2
hideReposts             : False
hideQuotePosts          : False
$type                   :
feed                    : home

nuxs  : {@{id=TenMillionDialog; completed=True}, @{id=NeueTypography; completed
$type :

PS C:\> $r.preferences[0] | Select hide*

hideReplies             : False
hideRepliesByUnfollowed : False
hideRepliesByLikeCount  : 2
hideReposts             : False
hideQuotePosts          : False

Here's another example using the get-known-followers API.

PS C:\> $uri = "$PDSHost/xrpc/app.bsky.graph.getKnownFollowers?actor="
PS C:\> $r = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $headers
PS C:\> $r.followers.count
PS C:\> $r.followers[-1]

did         : did:plc:h6cd7ej2sl4hswxfyjp6b4mx
handle      :
displayName : Harjit Dhaliwal [Hoorge]
avatar      :
associated  : @{chat=}
viewer      : @{muted=False; blockedBy=False;
labels      : {}
createdAt   : 5/1/2023 4:35:34 AM
description : Senior Product Marketing Manager for Cloud Endpoints at Microsoft,
              Ex-Microsoft MVP, IT Pro, Social Media Strategist, Photographer,
              International Speaker, Mentor.


              #Windows #Microsoft #Copilot
indexedAt   : 11/29/2024 1:28:38 AM

ℹ️ Information and Troubleshooting

The commands in this module should write the raw response from the API request to the Information stream. Some commands might include additional information.

Information stream

The output will be an object.

PS C:\> $v.MessageData | Select-Object did,handle,*count

did            : did:plc:ohgsqpfsbocaaxusxqlgfvd7
handle         :
followersCount : 322
followsCount   : 177
postsCount     : 543

You might want to set a default parameter value.

$PSDefaultParameterValues['*-*Sky*:InformationVariable'] = "iv"

Other Module Features

Custom Formatting

Many of the commands in this module use custom formatting files to provide a more visually appealing output. The module uses emojis and ANSI formatting. The formatting is designed for Windows Terminal or a console that supports ANSI formatting and emojis.

Some commands will also have alternative format views.

Liked custom view

Command Format ViewName
Get-BskyLiked Table Liked
Get-BskyTimeline Table Liked
Get-BskyTimeline Table Default
Get-BskyFeed Table Liked
Get-BskyModuleInfo List Default

Type Extensions

You are encourage to pipe command results to Get-Member to discover additional properties you might find useful.

PS C:\> Get-BskyProfile |
Format-List Name,Description,Created,Age

Name        :
Description : #PowerShell #Developer and enthusiast with a side of #DevOps,
              #Python, infrastructure, and
              #RetroComputing. Lifelong #cinephile and #punster.

              #Aspie #INTJ #9w1

Created     : 4/29/2023 6:52:59 AM
Age         : 633.07:27:20.9929789

Custom Verbose Messaging

This module uses ANSI formatting with localized string data and customized verbose messaging.

Custom verbose messaging

The color formatting the command names is not user-configurable at this time.

I am hoping to add localized strings for other languages as well as localizations to command help and the help PDF file.


The module features that rely on custom formatting and ANSI colorization may not be compatible in all console environments or for all users. You may need to adjust settings to improve the display. All formatting preferences are stored in an exported hash table variable called bskyPreferences. While you can modify this variable directly, it is recommended that you use the related module commands to manage it.

Run Get-BskyPreference to see your current settings.

Bluesky preferences

You can use Set-BskyPreference to change them.

Set-BskyPreference Username -style "`e[3;38;5;135m"

You can use any ANSI sequence or $PSStyle value. Any changes you make will only persist for the duration of your PowerShell session or until you remove the PSBluesky module. The next time you import the module, the default preferences will be used. To save your changes, run Export-BskyPreference to save your preferences to a JSON file under $HOME.

PS C:\> Export-BskyPreference -Passthru

    Directory: C:\Users\Jeff

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a---           1/13/2025  9:41 AM           1091 .psbluesky-preferences.json

The next time you import the module, if this file is present, the module will import it and apply your preferences.

To remove your preferences and restore the module defaults, you can use Remove-BskyPreferenceFile and then re-import the module. If you decide to uninstall the module, and have exported preferences, you should run this command before uninstalling. Otherwise, you will need to manually delete the file.

Roadmap πŸ—ΊοΈ

I have a short list of items on my wish list:

  • Add support for posting video
  • Add commands to work with direct messages, aka chat
  • Maybe create a TUI-base reader for your timeline

If you are testing the module and think you've found a bug, please post an Issue. For all other topics and questions, including feature requests, please use the repository's Discussions section. I am open to pull requests if you have a feature you'd like to add. I especially would love to see the Pester tests expanded and the pending tests completed.

You can find me on Bluesky as


A set of PowerShell 7 commands that use the BlueSky API. You can skeet and upload images from a PowerShell prompt as well as view your feed and timeline.







Contributors 3
