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Releases: jenkinsci/ansible-tower-plugin


05 Feb 10:59
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Behavior modification:

  • Fixed the JDK 8 compilation issues.
  • Fixed a bug where pipelines where hanging due to integer overflow


15 Jun 13:14
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Behavior modification:

We have modified the way logs are retrieved from Ansible Tower. Previously this was a simple true/false checkbox. This is now a dropdown with the following items:

  • Do not import
  • Import Truncated Logs
  • Import Full Logs
  • Process Variables Only

The first two items correspond to the old false and true values respectively.
The way Jenkins was importing the logs from Tower correlated to how Tower displayed the logs (with a ... on a large log message). The third value Import Full Logs will import and display the log message without the ... appended. This is needed if you are using purpose driven logging with a large variable value. Additionally, we've added another option Process Variables Only which will scrape the logs from Tower looking for variables but will not add the logs from Tower into the Jenkins log. This pulls information as if it were doing Import Full Logs.


22 May 19:10
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New feature:

Added SCM Branch override on job templates. Thanks to (@Reuuke) for this feature.

Behavior modification:

The login process has changed slightly. In a scenario where Jenkins is connecting to Tower as a user who is from an external provider (LDAP/SAML/etc) and the setting for granting oAuthTokens to external users is enabled Jenkins was never able to authenticate to Tower. Once Tower refused the oAuth token the authentication process stopped. The login mechanism will now do the following in sequence:

  • Attempt to get an oAuth Token
  • Attempt to get a legacy Token
  • Revert to basic auth

Any existing working authentications between Jenkins and Tower should not be impacted. JENKINS-62300

Bug Fixes:

Fixed spelling error in (thanks to @MarkEWaite)


23 Mar 16:51
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Bug Fixes:

  • Updated documentation for explicit callout of issues between envinject and pipelines. Thanks to @tisluk for the pull request for this.
  • Updated to better handle AWX version for bug reports: JENKINS-60352 and JENKINS-61586


08 Jan 14:38
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New feature:
Added project revision task. This allows you to set the revision field on a project.

Bug Fixes:
Updated credentials override to allow for folder level credentials in addition to global credentials.
Modified how credentials are passed for newer tower versions. Fixes issues where a single machine and vault credential are not passed into a job template.


21 Nov 20:19
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Added the ability to override the globally defined credential on a Tower plugin step.
Modified back end authentication to Tower, please see the readme if using username/password configuration.


06 Nov 00:08
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Adding project sync function.


05 Nov 00:11
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Migrated from Wiki docs to GitHub documentation.


05 Nov 00:03
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Canceling a job in Jenkins will now attempt to cancel the job in Tower as well.
Requirements in pom.xml are now pulled over https. Thanks to @daniel-beck for the Pull Request.


05 Nov 00:02
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Returned values can now be accessed in a pipeline.
Pipelines can now run jobs asynchronous.