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feat: SystemTextJson.TypeSafeEnum case insensitivity (#101)
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bartelink authored Aug 25, 2023
1 parent 2038d74 commit c0af7b8
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Showing 6 changed files with 71 additions and 27 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -14,11 +14,13 @@ The `Unreleased` section name is replaced by the expected version of next releas
- `StreamName.Split`: Splits a StreamName into its `{category}` and `{streamId}` portions, using `StreamId` for the latter. Replaces `CategoryAndId` [#100](
- `StreamName.tryFind`: Helper to implement `Stream.tryDecode` / `Reactions.For` pattern (to implement validation of StreamId format when parsing `StreamName`s). (See README) [#100](
- `StreamName.Category`: covers aspects of `StreamName` pertaining to the `{category}` portion (mainly moved from `StreamName`.* equivalents; see Changed) [#100](
- `TypeSafeEnum.tryParseF/parseF`: parameterizes matching of the Union Case name (to enable e.g. case insensitive matching) [#101](

### Changed

- `StreamName`: breaking changes to reflect introduction of strongly typed `StreamId` [#100](
- `StreamName`: renames: `trySplitCategoryAndStreamId` -> `Internal.tryParse`; `splitCategoryAndStreamId` -> `split`; `CategoryAndId` -> `Split`; `Categorized|NotCategorized`-> `Internal`.*; `category`->`Category.ofStreamName`, `IdElements` -> `StreamId.Parse` [#100](
- `SystemTextJson.UnionOrTypeSafeEnumConverterFactory`: Allow specific converters to override global policy [#101](

### Removed

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49 changes: 31 additions & 18 deletions src/FsCodec.SystemTextJson/TypeSafeEnumConverter.fs
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Expand Up @@ -2,34 +2,47 @@

open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.ComponentModel
open System.Text.Json

/// Utilities for working with DUs where none of the cases have a value
module TypeSafeEnum =

let isTypeSafeEnum (t : Type) =
let isTypeSafeEnum (t: Type) =
Union.isUnion t
&& Union.hasOnlyNullaryCases t

let tryParseT (t : Type) (str : string) =
let tryParseTF (t: Type) =
let u = Union.getInfo t
|> Array.tryFindIndex (fun c -> c.Name = str)
|> (fun tag -> u.caseConstructor[tag] [||])
let tryParse<'T> (str : string) = tryParseT typeof<'T> str |> (fun e -> e :?> 'T)

let parseT (t : Type) (str : string) =
match tryParseT t str with
| Some e -> e
| None ->
// Keep exception compat, but augment with a meaningful message.
raise (KeyNotFoundException(sprintf "Could not find case '%s' for type '%s'" str t.FullName))
let parse<'T> (str : string) = parseT typeof<'T> str :?> 'T

let toString<'t> (x : 't) =
fun predicate ->
|> Array.tryFindIndex (fun c -> predicate c.Name)
|> (fun tag -> u.caseConstructor[tag] [||])
let tryParseF<'T> = let p = tryParseTF typeof<'T> in fun f str -> p (f str) |> (fun e -> e :?> 'T)
let tryParse<'T> = tryParseF<'T> (=)

let parseTF (t: Type) predicate =
let p = tryParseTF t
fun (str: string) ->
match p (predicate str) with
| Some e -> e
| None ->
// Keep exception compat, but augment with a meaningful message.
raise (KeyNotFoundException(sprintf "Could not find case '%s' for type '%s'" str t.FullName))
let parseT (t: Type) = parseTF t (=)
let parseF<'T> f =
let p = parseTF typeof<'T> f
fun (str: string) -> p str :?> 'T
let parse<'T> = parseF<'T> (=)

let toString<'t> =
let u = Union.getInfo typeof<'t>
let tag = u.tagReader x
fun (x: 't) ->
let tag = u.tagReader x

/// Maps strings to/from Union cases; refuses to convert for values not in the Union
type TypeSafeEnumConverter<'T>() =
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/FsCodec.SystemTextJson/UnionConverter.fs
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Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ type private Union =
module private Union =

let isUnion : Type -> bool = memoize (fun t -> FSharpType.IsUnion(t, true))
// TOCONSIDER: could memoize this within the Info
let unionHasJsonConverterAttribute = memoize (fun (t : Type) -> t.IsDefined(typeof<System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverterAttribute>, true))

let private createInfo t =
let cases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(t, true)
Expand All @@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ module private Union =
caseConstructor = cases |> (fun c -> FSharpValue.PreComputeUnionConstructor(c, true))
options =
t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof<JsonUnionConverterOptionsAttribute>, false)
|> Array.tryHead // AttributeUsage(AllowMultiple = false)
|> Array.tryHead // could be tryExactlyOne as AttributeUsage(AllowMultiple = false)
|> (fun a -> a :?> IUnionConverterOptions) }
let getInfo : Type -> Union = memoize createInfo

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Expand Up @@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ type internal ConverterActivator = delegate of unit -> JsonConverter
type UnionOrTypeSafeEnumConverterFactory(typeSafeEnum, union) =
inherit JsonConverterFactory()

let isIntrinsic (t : Type) =
let isIntrinsic (t: Type) =
&& (t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<option<_>>
|| t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<list<_>>)
&& (let gtd = t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() in gtd = typedefof<option<_>> || gtd = typedefof<list<_>>)

override _.CanConvert(t : Type) =
Union.isUnion t
&& not (isIntrinsic t)
not (isIntrinsic t)
&& Union.isUnion t
&& not (Union.unionHasJsonConverterAttribute t)
&& ((typeSafeEnum && union)
|| typeSafeEnum = Union.hasOnlyNullaryCases t)

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29 changes: 28 additions & 1 deletion tests/FsCodec.SystemTextJson.Tests/AutoUnionTests.fs
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Expand Up @@ -35,11 +35,38 @@ let [<Xunit.Fact>] ``Opting out`` () =
raises<System.NotSupportedException> <@ serdesT.Serialize(Union F) @>
test <@ Union F = Union F |> serdesT.Serialize |> serdesT.Deserialize @>

module TypeSafeEnumConversion =

type SimpleTruth = True | False

let [<Xunit.Fact>] ``is case sensitive`` () =
let serdesT = Options.Create(autoTypeSafeEnumToJsonString = true) |> Serdes
True =! serdesT.Deserialize<SimpleTruth> "\"True\""
raises<System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException> <@ serdesT.Deserialize<SimpleTruth> "\"true\"" @>

module ``Overriding With Case Insensitive`` =

type Truth =
| True | False | FileNotFound
static member Parse: string -> Truth = TypeSafeEnum.parseF<Truth>(fun s inp -> s.Equals(inp, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
and LogicalConverter() =
inherit JsonIsomorphism<Truth, string>()
override _.Pickle x = match x with FileNotFound -> "lost" | x -> TypeSafeEnum.toString x
override _.UnPickle input = Truth.Parse input

let [<Xunit.Fact>] ``specific converter wins`` () =
let serdesT = Options.Create(autoTypeSafeEnumToJsonString = true) |> Serdes
let serdesDef = Serdes.Default
for serdes in [| serdesT; serdesDef |] do
test <@ FileNotFound = serdes.Deserialize "\"fileNotFound\"" @>
test <@ "\"lost\"" = serdes.Serialize FileNotFound @>

let [<FsCheck.Xunit.Property>] ``auto-encodes Unions and non-unions`` (x : Any) =
let encoded = serdes.Serialize x
let decoded : Any = serdes.Deserialize encoded

// Special cases for (non-roundtrippable) Some null => None conversion that STJ (and NSJ OptionConverter) do
// Special cases for (non roundtrip capable) Some null => None conversion that STJ (and NSJ OptionConverter) do
// See next test for a debatable trick
match decoded, x with
| Union (G None), Union (G (Some null)) -> ()
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Expand Up @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ open Xunit
type Outcome = Joy | Pain | Misery

let [<Fact>] happy () =
test <@ box Joy = TypeSafeEnum.parseT (typeof<Outcome>) "Joy" @>
test <@ box Joy = TypeSafeEnum.parseT typeof<Outcome> "Joy" @>
test <@ Joy = TypeSafeEnum.parse "Joy" @>
test <@ box Joy = TypeSafeEnum.parseT (typeof<Outcome>) "Joy" @>
test <@ box Joy = TypeSafeEnum.parseT typeof<Outcome> "Joy" @>
test <@ None = TypeSafeEnum.tryParse<Outcome> "Wat" @>
raises<KeyNotFoundException> <@ TypeSafeEnum.parse<Outcome> "Wat" @>

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