Find repeated strings that could be replaced by a constant.
There are obvious benefits to using constants instead of repeating strings, mostly to ease maintenance. Cannot argue against changing a single constant versus many strings.
While this could be considered a beginner mistake, across time, multiple packages and large codebases, some repetition could have slipped in.
$ go install
$ goconst ./...
goconst ARGS <directory>
-ignore exclude files matching the given regular expression
-ignore-strings exclude strings matching the given regular expression
-ignore-tests exclude tests from the search (default: true)
-min-occurrences report from how many occurrences (default: 2)
-min-length only report strings with the minimum given length (default: 3)
-match-constant look for existing constants matching the values
-numbers search also for duplicated numbers
-min minimum value, only works with -numbers
-max maximum value, only works with -numbers
-output output formatting (text or json)
-set-exit-status Set exit status to 2 if any issues are found
goconst ./...
goconst -ignore "yacc|\.pb\." $GOPATH/src/
goconst -min-occurrences 3 -output json $GOPATH/src/
goconst -numbers -min 60 -max 512 .
goconst -min-occurrences 5 $(go list -m -f '{{.Dir}}')
- gogetimports: Get a JSON-formatted list of imports.
- usedexports: Find exported variables that could be unexported.