A MERN blog hosted on heroku
The website is hosted on heroku pages: blog-mern
- Contact me: sends emails
- Register: creating user with password encrypted with bcrypt
- Login: JWT request the token with the token that is saved in local storage
- Protected routes: If user is authenticated can access /login or /register
- Create posts: Users loggedin can create posts
- Create posts: Image upload through cloudinary
- Create posts: Shows the email of the user who created it
- Posts: Users can comment posts
- Error messages: When user submits recieves an alert
- Comments: Comment form should only appear if loggedin
- Comments: Create redux actions for this
- NavBar: Create a dropdown with user profile and logout
- Posts: Like button(A user can only like one time per post)
- Asked funcionality: Favicon
- Asked funcionality: Show appname on broser
- Asked funcionality: Hash of password in front end(Before the request) !?
- Asked funcioanlity: Rules for a complex password(uppercase, lowercase, one number, etc)
Enviroment variables are needed to have the funcionalities working:
- Create the file
the path must be this:blog-mern/server/.env
- Insert the follwing info
- Decide a secret key that you will use to create the token to be used in JWT
- This key can be anything ex: <MY_SECRET_KEY>
- Open
and insert one line, with your own info
- Create an account in mlab webiste
(It's FREE!)
here: mlab - After you have successefully loggedin you will see the home screen
- On mongo deployments click on
create new
and choose the plan typesandbox
- Click continue
- Now choose the region more close to you, in my case europe
- Click continue
- Now choose the database name it can be anything ex: blogmerndb
- Then click continue
- In the final screen you will see the final information
- Then click submit order
- Go into the home and you will see your database created
- Click on it
- And you will see this info
To connect using a driver via the standard MongoDB URI
- Yours will be similar to mine:
- Open
and insert a new line, with your own info - Dont forget to change the
the you login information in mlab
- Create an account in cloudinary webiste
(It's FREE!)
here: cloudinary - After you have successefully loggedin you will see the dashboard, there is a section named account details
- Open
and insert three new lines, with your own info
- Create an account in gmail webiste
(It's FREE!)
here: gmail - As this only impacts the send email feature will one referece the guide from the lib that i'm using: nodemailer guide gmail
- Basically you need to create an applicational token for your gmail account
- And that is the password that you will use
- When you get the gmail user and password
- Open
and insert two new lines, with your own info
- You should end with a config file like this, with all the information filled
- You are ready to start working
First clone the project
git clone https://github.com/joaopedrodcf/blog-mern.git
Then install the node_modules (this installs the server and the client)
Finally you can start dev enviroment
yarn start
First clone the project
git clone https://github.com/joaopedrodcf/blog-mern.git
Then install the node_modules (this installs the server and the client)
For running in prod enviroment create build
yarn heroku-postbuild
Then run
yarn start:prod
Now its ready to use
Without this the create-react-app build will not be successful
heroku config:set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false YARN_PRODUCTION=false