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Samuel Plentz edited this page Feb 24, 2023 · 2 revisions

Change identity (address in from field), get the currently active identity or get a list of all supported identities.


Scriptname: Identity

let action      = this.mVariables[0];
let setIdentity = this.mVariables[1];

if(action == "getAllIdentities") {
  let identityList = this.mWindow.document.getElementById("msgIdentity");
  let identities   = identityList.getElementsByAttribute("identitykey", "*");
  let result       = "";

  for(let identity of identities) {
    result += identity.getAttribute("identitykey") + " - " + identity.getAttribute("label") + "\r\n";
  return result;

if(action == "getCurrentIdentity") {
  let identityList = this.mWindow.document.getElementById("msgIdentity");
  let identities   = identityList.getElementsByAttribute("identitykey", "*");
  let result       = "";

  for(let identity of identities) {
    if(identity.getAttribute("selected") != "true") continue;
    result += identity.getAttribute("identitykey") + " - " + identity.getAttribute("label") + "\r\n";
  return result;


if(action == "setIdentity") {
  // Since switching the signature loses the caret position, we record it
  // and restore it later.
  let selection = this.mWindow.gMsgCompose.editor.selection;
  let range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
  let start = range.startOffset;
  let startNode = range.startContainer;


  let identityList = this.mWindow.document.getElementById("msgIdentity");
  identityList.selectedItem = identityList.getElementsByAttribute("identitykey", setIdentity)[0];

  selection.collapse(startNode, start);
return "";


Get a list of all supported identities: (example: id1 - John Doe <[email protected]> | id2 - Jane Doe <[email protected]>)


Get the currently active identity: (example: id1 - John Doe <[email protected]>)


Change identity to id2:
