This is a simple ruby gem which facilitates the bulk extraction of one elasticsearch cluster to another cluster, or file should you so choose. I wrote it as a challenge to myself to improve my ruby skills while making something that I knew I could leverage elsewhere.
This gem deploys a script called esvacuum which can be executed, and the gem can be leveraged directly if so desired.
Via GIT:
git clone
cd esvacuum
bundle install
rake install
Via a Gemfile, use:
gem 'esvacuum', git: 'git://'
At present, the gem supports four arguments which must be passed in as a hash. A little further down you can see an execution of the gem using IRB.
- source REQUIRED This is the URL for the source server.
- destination REQUIRED This is the URL for the destination server.
- size Default: 100 This is the chunk size for the operation.
- verbose Default: false Output progress.
Note: Both source and destination support reading from an absolute (/path/to/file) or relative (./file|../file). Reading from a source file means any transformation features are unavailable.
$ irb
1.9.3p448 :001 > require 'esvacuum'
=> true
1.9.3p448 :002 > Esvacuum.execute source: 'localhost:9200', destination: 'localhost:9201', size: 100, verbose: false
=> nil
1.9.3p448 :003 > exit
$ esvacuum
Usage: esvacuum ARGUMENTS
-s, --source srcURL:9200 Required Source URL
-d, --destination destURL:9200 Required Destination URL
-c, --chunksize 100 Optional chunk size
-h, --help help
Note: Use of the script means that verbose output is always enabled. If the gem is leveraged directly verbose output is automatically suppressed.
$ esvacuum -s localhost:9200 -d localhost:9201
Processing Index: userprofiles
Index userprofiles contains 12513 items.
Records 500 completed in 0.93 seconds
Records 1000 completed in 1.98 seconds
Records 12513 completed in 26.95 seconds
Completed Index userprofiles in 26.955972 - 464.201 records/second
Processing Index: users
Index users contains 0 items.
Completed Index users in 0.003387 - 0.0 records/second