This part is the front-end repo of our project, the objective is to make a bot that analyze and help people with sentimental troubles
How to launch the app:
it's free on production at (in french only sorry for that) :
First create a directory where you can clone both project inside.
And you can download this repo for the front-end but you should also downaload this one :
Azure account with cognitive service for [sentiment analysis] and insert your keys inside the DepressedHelpChat-backend/utils/authAzure.js .
first at the root of the backend repo do
npm install
npm start
then switch to the root of the front-end and do the same
npm install
npm start
feel free to change reponses generator on DepressedHelpChat-backend/routes/users.js
it should work if there's some trouble be free to mark an issue inside one of the 2 repo enjoy!
Editors: kabene,anaHue,Pierre-cplt,SivixayC