I'm Kayque Mendes, and I am a data engineer in training, currently pursuing an MBA at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. I actively apply my knowledge and skills in real-world projects. In addition, I work as a systems analyst at a law firm, where I continue to expand my expertise in technology and problem-solving.
As a data engineer, I am always looking for new challenges and business problems to solve.
With a strong data background and advanced knowledge on tools like:
- Databricks
- Power BI
- Git and GitHub
- Python
- SQL, NoSQL and Databases
- BigData
- Data Cleaning and Transformation
- Data Pipelines
I am looking for an opportunity in the data engineering area, where I can develop my skills and contribute significant value to the company through the activities I perform.
You can find me on LinkedIn, or feel free to send me an email.
- 🌱 I'm continuously learning and growing my skills.